Model 601GAS burner — Instruction manual
MN601GAS 012516
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Where appliance instructions differ from this manual, follow the appliance instructions.
4. Check system • start-up burner/appliance
Screen Information
The first line on the LCD screen shows the controls Firmware version
at power up then will show the operating state. The screen turns off
after 30 minutes and will turn on if the control goes to lockout or if any
button is pushed.
Power On: Open all manual gas valves. Close the line switch.
The screen displays the firmware version for 5 seconds
• Display program version info for 5 seconds
• 3 sec of self-tests to verify internal operation,
including a flame rod calibration (when the
circuit looks at the flame rod signal at standby
and uses this value to compare to when the
control knows that the flame should be present). Once the tests pass, the control goest to “Standby”
• Normal state, wait for a CFH.
• If fault message “BV Switch Open” or “CO Switch Open” is displayed, control will remain in standby even if there is a call
for heat
Call for Heat (CFH): Set the Thermostat (TT) to Call for Heat, The BV, CO and Limit In must be closed to initiate a call for heat
• Turn on the burner motor
• Motor on, Ignitor & Valve off
• Ignitor turns on to establish spark prior to the gas valve(s) opening
• Motor on, ignitor on, valve off
“Trial for Ignition” • Motor on, Ignitor on, Valve(s) on
• The ignitor turns off at the end of the TFI time and the flame rod must sense flame. Lockout if no flame detected
“Flame Proven”
• Maintain the burner on until the CFH is satisfied
• Motor on, Ignitor off, Valve(s) on
• Enter from Flame Proven when the CFH is satisfied.
• TT or HV-Limit open.
• Or if flame is lost during flame proven
• Motor on, Ignitor off, Valve(s) off
• Occurs on flame loss in flame proven
• Motor off, Ignitor off, Valve(s) off for 60 sec. or lockout if the recycle limit has been reached (see setup)
• Motor off, Ignitor off, Valve off, Alarm on
• No flame detected at the end of TFI
• Flame is detected during Pre-purge, Pre-ignition or Post-purge
• CO input not detected during Pre-purge, Pre-ignition, TFI or Post-purge
• BV input not detected after 30 second delay during Pre-purge, Pre-ignition, TFI or Post-purge
• Motor, ignitor or valve relay weld detected
• If the control is miswired causing voltage to be detected on the outputs terminals, motor, ignitor or valve, when not ex-
• Recycle limit count has been reached
When a lockout occurs, the screen turns on, the fault icon flashes and a fault message is displayed. The screen will cycle every 4 seconds between
2 displays, one giving the fault message and one giving the amount of time in the lockout state. For example, if the cause was loss of the CO input
the fault icon would flash and the message would read “CO detected.” After 4 seconds, the time in the lockout state “secs or mins” will be dis-
played. This cycle will continue until the fault is resolved.
To Reset from Lockout, press and hold the reset button for 1 second
If the control locks out 3 times during a single call for heat, latch-up occurs. The control may be reset from latchup by holding the
reset button down for 30 seconds, unless in permanent latchup.
A permanent latchup occurs when a relay weld is detected and cannot be corrected. When this occurs, the display will read
“Latchup Replace Control”.
Fault Message
Possible causes
No Flame
No flame detected. Cause unknown.
Recycle Limit
Exceeded “Recycles” setpoint limit
Motor Powered
Motor relay welded or miswired
Ignitor Powered
Ignitor relay welded or miswired
Valve Powered
Valve relay welded or miswired
CO Switch Open
CO switch detected open indicating CO de-
BV Switch Open
BV switch detected open after 30 second
delay indicating a blocked vent
Fault Message
Possible causes
Flame in Prepurg
Flame detected in prepurge
No Motor Power
Motor has no power (no 120volts present when
there should be)
No Ignitor Power
Ignitor has no power (no 120volts present
when there should be)
No Valve Power
Valve has no power (no 120volts present when
there should be)
Flame in Preign
Flame detected in preignition
Flame Detected
Flame detected in postpurge or recycle
Should overheating or an emergency occur, immediately:
• Shut off main manual gas valve.
• Shut off control switch to burner.
Under some circumstances power should remain on for
circulating blowers or other equipment. Determine proper
response before attempting start-up.
If burner fails ignition on several attempts, close gas valve
and use burner blower to purge appliance before restart.
Do not start the burner if the combustion chamber contains
residual gas. Allow gas to disperse