Model 601GAS burner — Instruction manual
MN601GAS 012516
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Where appliance instructions differ from this manual, follow the appliance instructions.
1. Prepare site • prepare burner • mount burner
Figure 5
Combustion head assembly
Figure 4
Removing combustion head assembly
Inspect/correct flame rod/electrodes
• Before installing the burner in the appliance, inspect the flame rod
and electrodes.
• Verify the dimensions shown in this page.
• If the flame rod or an electrode is damaged or not in the correct posi-
tion, follow the procedure below to access and adjust.
To access the flame rod or electrodes
1. If the burner is not installed in an appliance, you can inspect the flame
rod and electrodes from the front of the burner. To change the position
of the flame rod or electrodes, you must remove the combustion head
assembly from the burner. See steps “d” thru “h” below.
2. To remove the combustion head assembly, you must disconnect the
gas piping and swing the burner flange door open. See Figure 4, and
proceed to:
a. Turn off all power to the burner and appliance before proceeding.
b. Close the manual gas valve on the gas supply line.
c. Disconnect the burner gas train union.
d. Remove the gas pipe at the burner air tube.
e. Remove the four nuts securing the burner hinged door flange.
f. Swing the burner open at the door flange.
g. Remove the two screws holding the gas manifold saddle to the air tube.
(Save the gasket.)
h. Disconnect electrode and flame rod wires then slide the burner combus-
tion head assembly out the end of the open air tube.
3. Position ignition electrodes first — Make sure the ignition electrodes
are placed according to the dimensions shown in Figure 6. To adjust
the electrodes, loosen the electrode clamp screw and slide/rotate into
Tighten the electrode clamp screw after positioning.
4. Position flame rod after setting the ignition electrodes – Make sure
the flame rod is located as shown in Figure 7. To adjust, loosen the
flame rod clamp screw. Tighten the screw to secure the flame rod in
5. Replace the combustion head assembly in the air tube.
Figure 6
Ignition electrode placement
Figure 7
Flame rod location
After electrodes are adjusted, use a 1/8" drill bit to check
electrode spacing per Figure 6. Also use a 3/16" drill bit to
make sure the electrodes are no closer than 3/16" to any
other metal surface.