Abbreviation Name or Term
SoH State-of-health
SLA Sealed Lead Acid battery chemistry
USB Universal Serial Bus
Commonly Used Terms
Term Explanation
Milliampere Hour
Battery capacity or rating. A battery that provides a
current of 1000 milliamperes for 1 hour is rated at
1000mAh (or 1Ah).
Battery A combination of cells.
Capacity The amount of energy that a fully charged battery is
capable of holding.
Code (C-code)
Battery parameters stored in Battery Adapters that tell
the Cadex analyzer how to service a specific battery type
(see Chapter 6 -
Cells Individual items within the battery.
Cycle One charge and discharge sequence, even if the battery
is only partially charged or discharged.
C-rate A “C” number is a value that is used to calculate charge
and discharge times.
A battery rated at 1000mAh provides 1000mA for one
hour if discharged at 1C. A discharge of 1C draws a
current equal to the rated capacity. The same battery
discharged at 0.5C would provide 500mA for two hours.
Battery cycle A charge followed by a discharge (or a discharge
followed by a charge). Even when batteries are partially
charged and discharged, a cycle is considered to have