Commercial or self-service car washes
may not be best for this, as they may
recycle the salt-contaminated water.
For a long-lasting, protective, and
glossy finish, apply a hard wax after
the car has been washed and dried.
Use carnauba or synthetic based
products. Waxing is not needed after
every washing. You can tell when
waxing is required by looking at the
finish when it is wet. If the water coats
the paint in smooth sheets instead of
forming beads that roll off, a new coat
of wax is needed. Wax should not be
applied to black trim pieces, rubber, or
other plastic parts.
Windshield wiper blade
Common problems with the windshield
wipers include streaking or sheeting,
water drops after wiping, and blade
chatter. Streaking is usually caused
when wiper blades are coated with
road film or car wash wax. Clean the
blades using soapy water. If cleaning
the blades does not cure the problem,
they should be replaced. BMW
recommends replacing the wiper
blades twice a year, before and after
the cold season.
To replace wiper blade, depress
retaining tab (
) and slide blade
out of arm.
On older cars, check the tension spring
that holds the wiper to the glass.
Replace the wiper arm if the springs
are weak.
Drops that remain behind after wiping
are caused by oil, road film, or diesel
exhaust coating the windshield. Use an
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