Advice for the Beginner
The tips in the paragraphs that follow are
general advice to help any do-it-yourself
BMW owner perform repairs and
maintenance tasks more easily and more
Planning ahead
To prevent getting in too deep, know what
the whole job requires before starting. Read
the procedure thoroughly, from beginning to
end, in order to know just what to expect and
what parts will have to be replaced.
Keeping things organized, neat, and clean is
essential to doing a good job. When working
under the hood, fender covers will protect
the finish from scratches and other damage.
Make sure the car finish is clean so that dirt
under the cover does not scratch the finish.
Any repair job will be less troublesome if the
parts are clean. For cleaning old parts, there
are many solvents and parts cleaners
commercially available.
For cleaning parts prior to assembly,
commercially available aerosol cans of parts
cleaner or brake cleaner are handy to use,
and the cleaner will evaporate completely.
Most solvents used for cleaning parts are
highly flammable as well as toxic,
especially in aerosol form. Use with
extreme care. Do not smoke. Do not use
these products indoors or near any source
of heat, sparks or flame.
Non-reusable fasteners
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2/25/2009 10:08 PM