SB-170-9 RUS
5.1 Raccordements réseau
Lors du dimensionnement des contacteurs du moteur,
des conduites d'amenée et des fusibles :
• Prendre en considération le courant de service maxi-
mal ou la puissance absorbée maximale du moteur.
• Choisir des contacteurs de la catégorie d'utilisation
• Régler le relais thermique sur le courant de service
maximal du compresseur.
5.2 Versions moteur
Risque de défaillance de compresseur !
N'utiliser le compresseur que dans le sens de
rotation prescrit !
Les séries de compresseurs CS.65, CS.75, CS.85,
CSH76 et CSH86 sont équipées de série de moteurs à
bobinage partiel (Part Winding, « PW ») avec
connexion Δ/ΔΔ. En option, elles peuvent également
être équipées de moteurs à étoile/triangle (Y/Δ). Pour
des informations détaillées, se reporter au manuel
Les modèles CS.95, CSH96 et CSW105 sont générale-
ment équipés de moteurs à étoile/triangle (Y/Δ).
Moteurs à bobinage partiel (PW)
Méthodes de démarrage :
• Démarrage à bobinage partiel pour réduire le cou-
rant de démarrage.
• Démarrage direct.
Retard de temps avant l’allumage du 2ème bobinage
partiel : 0,5 s max. !
Effectuer correctement les raccordements ! Une erreur
d’arrangement des raccords électriques aboutit à des
champs tournants contraires ou à l’angle de phase dé-
calé, et donc à un blocage du moteur !
Raccorder les bornes du moteur au couvercle de la
boîte de raccordement conformément aux instructions.
Tenir compte absolument de l’ordre des bobinages par-
tiels !
• 1er bobinage partiel (contacteur K1) : Raccords 1 /
2 / 3.
• 2ème bobinage partiel (contacteur K2) : Raccords 7 /
8 / 9.
• Partage de bobinage 50%/50%.
• Répartition des contacteurs moteur :
– 1er contacteur (PW 1) : 60% du courant de ser-
vice max.
– 2ème contacteur (PW 2) : 60% du courant de ser-
vice max.
Moteur à étoile-triangle
Le retard de temps entre la mise en route du compres-
seur d’un côté et, de l’autre, la commutation entre
l’opération en étoile et celle en triangle ne doit pas dé-
passer les 2 s.
Effectuer correctement les raccordements !
Toute erreur d’arrangement des raccords électriques
aboutit à un court-circuit !
Les contacteurs réseau et triangles doivent être
calculés à au moins 60% du courant de service
max., le contacteur étoile à 33%.
5.3 Essai de haute tension (test de résistance
Les compresseurs ont déjà été soumis avant leur sortie
d’usine à un essai de haute tension conformément à la
norme EN12693 ou conformément aux normes UL984
ou UL60335-2-34 pour la version UL.
Risque d'endommagement de l'isolant et de dé-
faillance du moteur !
Il ne faut surtout pas répéter l'essai de haute
tension de la même manière !
Un nouvel essai de haute tension ne doit être réalisé
qu’à une tension alternative max. de 1000 V CA.
CS 65 .. CS 85
min. 20 cm
Fig. 5: Tracé de la tuyauterie pour le conduite du gaz d’aspiration
ECO au niveau du compresseur
Amortisseur de pulsations
min. 20 cm
ON 110°C
OFF 100°C
Fig. 6: Tracé de la tuyauterie pour injection de liquide (LI) avec vanne
d’injection de liquide
Les raccords pour l’économiseur (ECO) et/ou
l’injection de liquide (LI) ne sont pas disponibles
sur toutes les versions de compresseurs, voir
dessins cotés.
Les raccords ECO et LI sur les CSK61 ne sont
pas validés pour l’utilisation. Dans un avenir
proche, ces raccords ne seront plus disponibles.
Pour les remarques relatives au raccordement
d’un refroidisseur d’huile externe, se reporter au
manuel SH-170.
Pour d’autres exemples de tracé de tuyauterie,
se reporter au manuel SH-170.
Raccords additionnels pour la mise sous vide
Pour un débit de mise sous vide maximal, installer des
raccords additionnels verrouillables largement dimen-
sionnés côté de refoulement et d'aspiration. Les tron-
çons verrouillés par les clapets de retenue doivent
avoir des raccords séparés.
À prendre en compte pour tous les raccords montés
ultérieurement sur le compresseur
Risque de fuite !
Vérifier le filetage.
Visser soigneusement l’adaptateur avec le
couple de serrage prescrit.
Avant la mise en service, essayer l’étanchéité !
4.4 Raccord d'huile
Raccord du manomètre au niveau de la vanne d’huile
pour maintenance
Le raccord du manomètre au niveau de la vanne
d’huile pour maintenance est doté d’un chapeau à vis-
ser (7/16-20 UNF, couple de serrage max. 10 Nm).
Travailler très prudemment lors de toute modification.
Risque de fuite !
Vérifier le filetage.
Visser soigneusement l’adaptateur avec le
couple de serrage prescrit.
Avant la mise en service, essayer l’étanchéité !
4.5 Régulation de puissance (CR) et démarrage à
vide (SU)
Les modèles CS. sont équipés de série d’une « régula-
tion de puissance duale » (commande à coulisse). Ain-
si, il est possible – sans modifier le compresseur – de
bénéficier d’une régulation en continu ou à 4 étages. Le
mode de fonctionnement ne diffère que par la façon
d’asservir les vannes magnétiques.
La régulation de puissance des compresseurs
CSW105 est commandée automatiquement par le mo-
dule du compresseur CM-SW-01.
Pour des renseignements détaillés sur la régu-
lation de puissance, le démarrage à vide et leur
commande, se reporter au manuel SH-170.
Подключения для экономайзера (ECO) и / или
впрыска жидкости (LI) не представлены во всех
моделях компрессоров, см. чертежи с указанием
Подключения для ECO и LI на компрессоре
CSK61 не одобрены для использования. В
скором времени эти подключения будут убраны.
Рекомендации по подключению внешних
маслоохладителей смотрите в руководстве
Дополнительные примеры прокладки
трубопроводов смотрите в руководстве SH-170.
Дополнительные присоединения для вакуумирования
Для обеспечения наибольшей мощности
вакуумирования, рекомендуется установка больших
перекрываемых дополнительных присоединений на
стороне всасывания и нагнетания. Секции, которые
закрыты с помощью обратных клапанов, должны иметь
отдельные доступные присоединения.
Mount pipelines in such a way that the compressor is
protected from flooding with oil or liquid refrigerant dur-
ing standstill. Follow the notes given in SH-170.
Optional pipes for economiser (ECO) (not for CSH95),
see figure 5, page 12 and/or liquid injection (LI), see
figure 6, page 12 must first be routed upward from the
connection. This avoids oil migration and damage to
the components through hydraulic pressure peaks (see
manual SH-170).
CS 65 .. CS 85
min. 20 cm
Fig. 5: Pipe layout of the ECO suction gas line at the compressor
Pulsation muffler
min. 20 cm
ON 110°C
OFF 100°C
Fig. 6: Pipe layout for liquid injection (LI) with liquid injection valve
The connections for economiser (ECO) and/or
liquid injection (LI) are not provided on all com-
pressor models, see dimensional drawings.
The connections for ECO and LI on the CSK61
compressor are not approved for use. These
connections will no longer be available in the
near future.
Notice for connecting an external oil cooler, see
manual SH-170.
For other examples about pipe layout, see
manual SH-170.
Additional connections for evacuation
For an optimal evacuation capacity, it is recommended
to install generously-sized, lockable additional connec-
tions on the discharge and suction sides. Sections
locked by check valves must have separate connec-
Observe the following for all connections retrofitted on
the compressor
Risk of refrigerant loss!
Check the thread.
Carefully screw the adapter in and tighten it to
the prescribed tightening torque.
Test tightness before commissioning!
4.4 Oil connection
Pressure gauge connection on the oil valve for
The pressure gauge connection on the oil valve for
maintenance is delivered with a screwing cap
(7/16-20 UNF, tightening torque max. 10 Nm). In case
of any modification, proceed very carefully.
Risk of refrigerant loss!
Check the thread.
Carefully screw the adapter in and tighten it to
the prescribed tightening torque.
Test tightness before commissioning!
4.5 Capacity control (CR) and start unloading (SU)
The standard CS. versions are equipped with a "Dual
capacity control" (control with a slider). This allows in-
finite as well as 4-stage regulation without any rebuild-
ing of the compressor. The only difference in the oper-
ating mode is the activation of the solenoid valves.
The capacity control of CSW105 compressors is auto-
matically controlled via the CM-SW-01 compressor
For detailed descriptions on capacity control
and start unloading as well as their control, see
manual SH-170.
Mount pipelines in such a way that the compressor is
protected from flooding with oil or liquid refrigerant dur-
ing standstill. Follow the notes given in SH-170.
Optional pipes for economiser (ECO) (not for CSH95),
see figure 5, page 12 and/or liquid injection (LI), see
figure 6, page 12 must first be routed upward from the
connection. This avoids oil migration and damage to
the components through hydraulic pressure peaks (see
manual SH-170).
CS 65 .. CS 85
min. 20 cm
Fig. 5: Pipe layout of the ECO suction gas line at the compressor
Pulsation muffler
min. 20 cm
ON 110°C
OFF 100°C
Fig. 6: Pipe layout for liquid injection (LI) with liquid injection valve
The connections for economiser (ECO) and/or
liquid injection (LI) are not provided on all com-
pressor models, see dimensional drawings.
The connections for ECO and LI on the CSK61
compressor are not approved for use. These
connections will no longer be available in the
near future.
Notice for connecting an external oil cooler, see
manual SH-170.
For other examples about pipe layout, see
manual SH-170.
Additional connections for evacuation
For an optimal evacuation capacity, it is recommended
to install generously-sized, lockable additional connec-
tions on the discharge and suction sides. Sections
locked by check valves must have separate connec-
Observe the following for all connections retrofitted on
the compressor
Risk of refrigerant loss!
Check the thread.
Carefully screw the adapter in and tighten it to
the prescribed tightening torque.
Test tightness before commissioning!
4.4 Oil connection
Pressure gauge connection on the oil valve for
The pressure gauge connection on the oil valve for
maintenance is delivered with a screwing cap
(7/16-20 UNF, tightening torque max. 10 Nm). In case
of any modification, proceed very carefully.
Risk of refrigerant loss!
Check the thread.
Carefully screw the adapter in and tighten it to
the prescribed tightening torque.
Test tightness before commissioning!
4.5 Capacity control (CR) and start unloading (SU)
The standard CS. versions are equipped with a "Dual
capacity control" (control with a slider). This allows in-
finite as well as 4-stage regulation without any rebuild-
ing of the compressor. The only difference in the oper-
ating mode is the activation of the solenoid valves.
The capacity control of CSW105 compressors is auto-
matically controlled via the CM-SW-01 compressor
For detailed descriptions on capacity control
and start unloading as well as their control, see
manual SH-170.
Рис. 5 Схема прокладки трубопровода линии экономайзера на
1 Гаситель пульсаций
Рис. 6 Схема прокладки трубопровода линии впрыска жидкого
хладагента (LI) с клапаном впрыска хладагента
Рис. 5 Схема прокладки трубопровода линии экономайзера на
Mount pipelines in such a way that the compressor is
protected from flooding with oil or liquid refrigerant dur-
ing standstill. Follow the notes given in SH-170.
Optional pipes for economiser (ECO) (not for CSH95),
see figure 5, page 12 and/or liquid injection (LI), see
figure 6, page 12 must first be routed upward from the
connection. This avoids oil migration and damage to
the components through hydraulic pressure peaks (see
manual SH-170).
CS 65 .. CS 85
min. 20 cm
Fig. 5: Pipe layout of the ECO suction gas line at the compressor
Pulsation muffler
min. 20 cm
ON 110°C
OFF 100°C
Fig. 6: Pipe layout for liquid injection (LI) with liquid injection valve
The connections for economiser (ECO) and/or
liquid injection (LI) are not provided on all com-
pressor models, see dimensional drawings.
The connections for ECO and LI on the CSK61
compressor are not approved for use. These
connections will no longer be available in the
near future.
Notice for connecting an external oil cooler, see
manual SH-170.
For other examples about pipe layout, see
manual SH-170.
Additional connections for evacuation
For an optimal evacuation capacity, it is recommended
to install generously-sized, lockable additional connec-
tions on the discharge and suction sides. Sections
locked by check valves must have separate connec-
Observe the following for all connections retrofitted on
the compressor
Risk of refrigerant loss!
Check the thread.
Carefully screw the adapter in and tighten it to
the prescribed tightening torque.
Test tightness before commissioning!
4.4 Oil connection
Pressure gauge connection on the oil valve for
The pressure gauge connection on the oil valve for
maintenance is delivered with a screwing cap
(7/16-20 UNF, tightening torque max. 10 Nm). In case
of any modification, proceed very carefully.
Risk of refrigerant loss!
Check the thread.
Carefully screw the adapter in and tighten it to
the prescribed tightening torque.
Test tightness before commissioning!
4.5 Capacity control (CR) and start unloading (SU)
The standard CS. versions are equipped with a "Dual
capacity control" (control with a slider). This allows in-
finite as well as 4-stage regulation without any rebuild-
ing of the compressor. The only difference in the oper-
ating mode is the activation of the solenoid valves.
The capacity control of CSW105 compressors is auto-
matically controlled via the CM-SW-01 compressor
For detailed descriptions on capacity control
and start unloading as well as their control, see
manual SH-170.
Mount pipelines in such a way that the compressor is
protected from flooding with oil or liquid refrigerant dur-
ing standstill. Follow the notes given in SH-170.
Optional pipes for economiser (ECO) (not for CSH95),
see figure 5, page 12 and/or liquid injection (LI), see
figure 6, page 12 must first be routed upward from the
connection. This avoids oil migration and damage to
the components through hydraulic pressure peaks (see
manual SH-170).
CS 65 .. CS 85
min. 20 cm
Fig. 5: Pipe layout of the ECO suction gas line at the compressor
Pulsation muffler
min. 20 cm
ON 110°C
OFF 100°C
Fig. 6: Pipe layout for liquid injection (LI) with liquid injection valve
The connections for economiser (ECO) and/or
liquid injection (LI) are not provided on all com-
pressor models, see dimensional drawings.
The connections for ECO and LI on the CSK61
compressor are not approved for use. These
connections will no longer be available in the
near future.
Notice for connecting an external oil cooler, see
manual SH-170.
For other examples about pipe layout, see
manual SH-170.
Additional connections for evacuation
For an optimal evacuation capacity, it is recommended
to install generously-sized, lockable additional connec-
tions on the discharge and suction sides. Sections
locked by check valves must have separate connec-
Observe the following for all connections retrofitted on
the compressor
Risk of refrigerant loss!
Check the thread.
Carefully screw the adapter in and tighten it to
the prescribed tightening torque.
Test tightness before commissioning!
4.4 Oil connection
Pressure gauge connection on the oil valve for
The pressure gauge connection on the oil valve for
maintenance is delivered with a screwing cap
(7/16-20 UNF, tightening torque max. 10 Nm). In case
of any modification, proceed very carefully.
Risk of refrigerant loss!
Check the thread.
Carefully screw the adapter in and tighten it to
the prescribed tightening torque.
Test tightness before commissioning!
4.5 Capacity control (CR) and start unloading (SU)
The standard CS. versions are equipped with a "Dual
capacity control" (control with a slider). This allows in-
finite as well as 4-stage regulation without any rebuild-
ing of the compressor. The only difference in the oper-
ating mode is the activation of the solenoid valves.
The capacity control of CSW105 compressors is auto-
matically controlled via the CM-SW-01 compressor
For detailed descriptions on capacity control
and start unloading as well as their control, see
manual SH-170.
Для всех дополнительных присоединений обращайте
внимание на следующее:
Существует опасность утечки хладагента!
Проверьте резьбу.
Аккуратно завинтите адаптер в соответствии с
требуемым моментом затяжки.
Перед вводом в эксплуатацию проведите
испытание на плотность!
4.4 Присоединение для масла
Присоединение для манометра на сервисном
масляном клапане
Присоединение для манометра на сервисном
масляном клапане исполнено с навинчивающимся
колпачком (7/16 UNF, момент затяжки максимум 10
Nm). В случае какой-либо модификации, действуйте
очень осторожно.
Существует опасность утечки хладагента!
Проверьте резьбу.
Аккуратно завинтите адаптер в соответствии с
требуемым моментом затяжки.
Перед вводом в эксплуатацию проведите
испытание на плотность!
4.5 Регулирование производительности (CR) и
разгрузка при пуске (SU)
В стандартном исполнении CS.-модели компрессоров
снабжены системой «Dual Capacity Control» (золотник
производительности). Она позволяет осуществлять
как плавное, так и 4-х ступенчатое регулирование
производительности без модификации компрессора.
Выбор альтернативного режима регулирования
производительности осуществляется за счет настройки
логики управления электромагнитных клапанов.
Производительность компрессоров CSW105
автоматически регулируется с помощью модуля
компрессора CM-SW-01.
Подробную информацию, касающуюся
регулирования производительности и разгрузки
при пуске, а также методов управления ими,
смотрите в руководстве SH-170.
Mount pipelines in such a way that the compressor is
protected from flooding with oil or liquid refrigerant dur-
ing standstill. Follow the notes given in SH-170.
Optional pipes for economiser (ECO) (not for CSH95),
see figure 5, page 12 and/or liquid injection (LI), see
figure 6, page 12 must first be routed upward from the
connection. This avoids oil migration and damage to
the components through hydraulic pressure peaks (see
manual SH-170).
CS 65 .. CS 85
min. 20 cm
Fig. 5: Pipe layout of the ECO suction gas line at the compressor
Pulsation muffler
min. 20 cm
ON 110°C
OFF 100°C
Fig. 6: Pipe layout for liquid injection (LI) with liquid injection valve
The connections for economiser (ECO) and/or
liquid injection (LI) are not provided on all com-
pressor models, see dimensional drawings.
The connections for ECO and LI on the CSK61
compressor are not approved for use. These
connections will no longer be available in the
near future.
Notice for connecting an external oil cooler, see
manual SH-170.
For other examples about pipe layout, see
manual SH-170.
Additional connections for evacuation
For an optimal evacuation capacity, it is recommended
to install generously-sized, lockable additional connec-
tions on the discharge and suction sides. Sections
locked by check valves must have separate connec-
Observe the following for all connections retrofitted on
the compressor
Risk of refrigerant loss!
Check the thread.
Carefully screw the adapter in and tighten it to
the prescribed tightening torque.
Test tightness before commissioning!
4.4 Oil connection
Pressure gauge connection on the oil valve for
The pressure gauge connection on the oil valve for
maintenance is delivered with a screwing cap
(7/16-20 UNF, tightening torque max. 10 Nm). In case
of any modification, proceed very carefully.
Risk of refrigerant loss!
Check the thread.
Carefully screw the adapter in and tighten it to
the prescribed tightening torque.
Test tightness before commissioning!
4.5 Capacity control (CR) and start unloading (SU)
The standard CS. versions are equipped with a "Dual
capacity control" (control with a slider). This allows in-
finite as well as 4-stage regulation without any rebuild-
ing of the compressor. The only difference in the oper-
ating mode is the activation of the solenoid valves.
The capacity control of CSW105 compressors is auto-
matically controlled via the CM-SW-01 compressor
For detailed descriptions on capacity control
and start unloading as well as their control, see
manual SH-170.
глушитель пульсации
Mount pipelines in such a way that the compressor is
protected from flooding with oil or liquid refrigerant dur-
ing standstill. Follow the notes given in SH-170.
Optional pipes for economiser (ECO) (not for CSH95),
see figure 5, page 12 and/or liquid injection (LI), see
figure 6, page 12 must first be routed upward from the
connection. This avoids oil migration and damage to
the components through hydraulic pressure peaks (see
manual SH-170).
CS 65 .. CS 85
min. 20 cm
Fig. 5: Pipe layout of the ECO suction gas line at the compressor
Pulsation muffler
min. 20 cm
ON 110°C
OFF 100°C
Fig. 6: Pipe layout for liquid injection (LI) with liquid injection valve
The connections for economiser (ECO) and/or
liquid injection (LI) are not provided on all com-
pressor models, see dimensional drawings.
The connections for ECO and LI on the CSK61
compressor are not approved for use. These
connections will no longer be available in the
near future.
Notice for connecting an external oil cooler, see
manual SH-170.
For other examples about pipe layout, see
manual SH-170.
Additional connections for evacuation
For an optimal evacuation capacity, it is recommended
to install generously-sized, lockable additional connec-
tions on the discharge and suction sides. Sections
locked by check valves must have separate connec-
Observe the following for all connections retrofitted on
the compressor
Risk of refrigerant loss!
Check the thread.
Carefully screw the adapter in and tighten it to
the prescribed tightening torque.
Test tightness before commissioning!
4.4 Oil connection
Pressure gauge connection on the oil valve for
The pressure gauge connection on the oil valve for
maintenance is delivered with a screwing cap
(7/16-20 UNF, tightening torque max. 10 Nm). In case
of any modification, proceed very carefully.
Risk of refrigerant loss!
Check the thread.
Carefully screw the adapter in and tighten it to
the prescribed tightening torque.
Test tightness before commissioning!
4.5 Capacity control (CR) and start unloading (SU)
The standard CS. versions are equipped with a "Dual
capacity control" (control with a slider). This allows in-
finite as well as 4-stage regulation without any rebuild-
ing of the compressor. The only difference in the oper-
ating mode is the activation of the solenoid valves.
The capacity control of CSW105 compressors is auto-
matically controlled via the CM-SW-01 compressor
For detailed descriptions on capacity control
and start unloading as well as their control, see
manual SH-170.
Mount pipelines in such a way that the compressor is
protected from flooding with oil or liquid refrigerant dur-
ing standstill. Follow the notes given in SH-170.
Optional pipes for economiser (ECO) (not for CSH95),
see figure 5, page 12 and/or liquid injection (LI), see
figure 6, page 12 must first be routed upward from the
connection. This avoids oil migration and damage to
the components through hydraulic pressure peaks (see
manual SH-170).
CS 65 .. CS 85
min. 20 cm
Fig. 5: Pipe layout of the ECO suction gas line at the compressor
Pulsation muffler
min. 20 cm
ON 110°C
OFF 100°C
Fig. 6: Pipe layout for liquid injection (LI) with liquid injection valve
The connections for economiser (ECO) and/or
liquid injection (LI) are not provided on all com-
pressor models, see dimensional drawings.
The connections for ECO and LI on the CSK61
compressor are not approved for use. These
connections will no longer be available in the
near future.
Notice for connecting an external oil cooler, see
manual SH-170.
For other examples about pipe layout, see
manual SH-170.
Additional connections for evacuation
For an optimal evacuation capacity, it is recommended
to install generously-sized, lockable additional connec-
tions on the discharge and suction sides. Sections
locked by check valves must have separate connec-
Observe the following for all connections retrofitted on
the compressor
Risk of refrigerant loss!
Check the thread.
Carefully screw the adapter in and tighten it to
the prescribed tightening torque.
Test tightness before commissioning!
4.4 Oil connection
Pressure gauge connection on the oil valve for
The pressure gauge connection on the oil valve for
maintenance is delivered with a screwing cap
(7/16-20 UNF, tightening torque max. 10 Nm). In case
of any modification, proceed very carefully.
Risk of refrigerant loss!
Check the thread.
Carefully screw the adapter in and tighten it to
the prescribed tightening torque.
Test tightness before commissioning!
4.5 Capacity control (CR) and start unloading (SU)
The standard CS. versions are equipped with a "Dual
capacity control" (control with a slider). This allows in-
finite as well as 4-stage regulation without any rebuild-
ing of the compressor. The only difference in the oper-
ating mode is the activation of the solenoid valves.
The capacity control of CSW105 compressors is auto-
matically controlled via the CM-SW-01 compressor
For detailed descriptions on capacity control
and start unloading as well as their control, see
manual SH-170.
Mount pipelines in such a way that the compressor is
protected from flooding with oil or liquid refrigerant dur-
ing standstill. Follow the notes given in SH-170.
Optional pipes for economiser (ECO) (not for CSH95),
see figure 5, page 12 and/or liquid injection (LI), see
figure 6, page 12 must first be routed upward from the
connection. This avoids oil migration and damage to
the components through hydraulic pressure peaks (see
manual SH-170).
CS 65 .. CS 85
min. 20 cm
Fig. 5: Pipe layout of the ECO suction gas line at the compressor
Pulsation muffler
min. 20 cm
ON 110°C
OFF 100°C
Fig. 6: Pipe layout for liquid injection (LI) with liquid injection valve
The connections for economiser (ECO) and/or
liquid injection (LI) are not provided on all com-
pressor models, see dimensional drawings.
The connections for ECO and LI on the CSK61
compressor are not approved for use. These
connections will no longer be available in the
near future.
Notice for connecting an external oil cooler, see
manual SH-170.
For other examples about pipe layout, see
manual SH-170.
Additional connections for evacuation
For an optimal evacuation capacity, it is recommended
to install generously-sized, lockable additional connec-
tions on the discharge and suction sides. Sections
locked by check valves must have separate connec-
Observe the following for all connections retrofitted on
the compressor
Risk of refrigerant loss!
Check the thread.
Carefully screw the adapter in and tighten it to
the prescribed tightening torque.
Test tightness before commissioning!
4.4 Oil connection
Pressure gauge connection on the oil valve for
The pressure gauge connection on the oil valve for
maintenance is delivered with a screwing cap
(7/16-20 UNF, tightening torque max. 10 Nm). In case
of any modification, proceed very carefully.
Risk of refrigerant loss!
Check the thread.
Carefully screw the adapter in and tighten it to
the prescribed tightening torque.
Test tightness before commissioning!
4.5 Capacity control (CR) and start unloading (SU)
The standard CS. versions are equipped with a "Dual
capacity control" (control with a slider). This allows in-
finite as well as 4-stage regulation without any rebuild-
ing of the compressor. The only difference in the oper-
ating mode is the activation of the solenoid valves.
The capacity control of CSW105 compressors is auto-
matically controlled via the CM-SW-01 compressor
For detailed descriptions on capacity control
and start unloading as well as their control, see
manual SH-170.
Mount pipelines in such a way that the compressor is
protected from flooding with oil or liquid refrigerant dur-
ing standstill. Follow the notes given in SH-170.
Optional pipes for economiser (ECO) (not for CSH95),
see figure 5, page 12 and/or liquid injection (LI), see
figure 6, page 12 must first be routed upward from the
connection. This avoids oil migration and damage to
the components through hydraulic pressure peaks (see
manual SH-170).
CS 65 .. CS 85
min. 20 cm
Fig. 5: Pipe layout of the ECO suction gas line at the compressor
Pulsation muffler
min. 20 cm
ON 110°C
OFF 100°C
Fig. 6: Pipe layout for liquid injection (LI) with liquid injection valve
The connections for economiser (ECO) and/or
liquid injection (LI) are not provided on all com-
pressor models, see dimensional drawings.
The connections for ECO and LI on the CSK61
compressor are not approved for use. These
connections will no longer be available in the
near future.
Notice for connecting an external oil cooler, see
manual SH-170.
For other examples about pipe layout, see
manual SH-170.
Additional connections for evacuation
For an optimal evacuation capacity, it is recommended
to install generously-sized, lockable additional connec-
tions on the discharge and suction sides. Sections
locked by check valves must have separate connec-
Observe the following for all connections retrofitted on
the compressor
Risk of refrigerant loss!
Check the thread.
Carefully screw the adapter in and tighten it to
the prescribed tightening torque.
Test tightness before commissioning!
4.4 Oil connection
Pressure gauge connection on the oil valve for
The pressure gauge connection on the oil valve for
maintenance is delivered with a screwing cap
(7/16-20 UNF, tightening torque max. 10 Nm). In case
of any modification, proceed very carefully.
Risk of refrigerant loss!
Check the thread.
Carefully screw the adapter in and tighten it to
the prescribed tightening torque.
Test tightness before commissioning!
4.5 Capacity control (CR) and start unloading (SU)
The standard CS. versions are equipped with a "Dual
capacity control" (control with a slider). This allows in-
finite as well as 4-stage regulation without any rebuild-
ing of the compressor. The only difference in the oper-
ating mode is the activation of the solenoid valves.
The capacity control of CSW105 compressors is auto-
matically controlled via the CM-SW-01 compressor
For detailed descriptions on capacity control
and start unloading as well as their control, see
manual SH-170.
Mount pipelines in such a way that the compressor is
protected from flooding with oil or liquid refrigerant dur-
ing standstill. Follow the notes given in SH-170.
Optional pipes for economiser (ECO) (not for CSH95),
see figure 5, page 12 and/or liquid injection (LI), see
figure 6, page 12 must first be routed upward from the
connection. This avoids oil migration and damage to
the components through hydraulic pressure peaks (see
manual SH-170).
CS 65 .. CS 85
min. 20 cm
Fig. 5: Pipe layout of the ECO suction gas line at the compressor
Pulsation muffler
min. 20 cm
ON 110°C
OFF 100°C
Fig. 6: Pipe layout for liquid injection (LI) with liquid injection valve
The connections for economiser (ECO) and/or
liquid injection (LI) are not provided on all com-
pressor models, see dimensional drawings.
The connections for ECO and LI on the CSK61
compressor are not approved for use. These
connections will no longer be available in the
near future.
Notice for connecting an external oil cooler, see
manual SH-170.
For other examples about pipe layout, see
manual SH-170.
Additional connections for evacuation
For an optimal evacuation capacity, it is recommended
to install generously-sized, lockable additional connec-
tions on the discharge and suction sides. Sections
locked by check valves must have separate connec-
Observe the following for all connections retrofitted on
the compressor
Risk of refrigerant loss!
Check the thread.
Carefully screw the adapter in and tighten it to
the prescribed tightening torque.
Test tightness before commissioning!
4.4 Oil connection
Pressure gauge connection on the oil valve for
The pressure gauge connection on the oil valve for
maintenance is delivered with a screwing cap
(7/16-20 UNF, tightening torque max. 10 Nm). In case
of any modification, proceed very carefully.
Risk of refrigerant loss!
Check the thread.
Carefully screw the adapter in and tighten it to
the prescribed tightening torque.
Test tightness before commissioning!
4.5 Capacity control (CR) and start unloading (SU)
The standard CS. versions are equipped with a "Dual
capacity control" (control with a slider). This allows in-
finite as well as 4-stage regulation without any rebuild-
ing of the compressor. The only difference in the oper-
ating mode is the activation of the solenoid valves.
The capacity control of CSW105 compressors is auto-
matically controlled via the CM-SW-01 compressor
For detailed descriptions on capacity control
and start unloading as well as their control, see
manual SH-170.
Mount pipelines in such a way that the compressor is
protected from flooding with oil or liquid refrigerant dur-
ing standstill. Follow the notes given in SH-170.
Optional pipes for economiser (ECO) (not for CSH95),
see figure 5, page 12 and/or liquid injection (LI), see
figure 6, page 12 must first be routed upward from the
connection. This avoids oil migration and damage to
the components through hydraulic pressure peaks (see
manual SH-170).
CS 65 .. CS 85
min. 20 cm
Fig. 5: Pipe layout of the ECO suction gas line at the compressor
Pulsation muffler
min. 20 cm
ON 110°C
OFF 100°C
Fig. 6: Pipe layout for liquid injection (LI) with liquid injection valve
The connections for economiser (ECO) and/or
liquid injection (LI) are not provided on all com-
pressor models, see dimensional drawings.
The connections for ECO and LI on the CSK61
compressor are not approved for use. These
connections will no longer be available in the
near future.
Notice for connecting an external oil cooler, see
manual SH-170.
For other examples about pipe layout, see
manual SH-170.
Additional connections for evacuation
For an optimal evacuation capacity, it is recommended
to install generously-sized, lockable additional connec-
tions on the discharge and suction sides. Sections
locked by check valves must have separate connec-
Observe the following for all connections retrofitted on
the compressor
Risk of refrigerant loss!
Check the thread.
Carefully screw the adapter in and tighten it to
the prescribed tightening torque.
Test tightness before commissioning!
4.4 Oil connection
Pressure gauge connection on the oil valve for
The pressure gauge connection on the oil valve for
maintenance is delivered with a screwing cap
(7/16-20 UNF, tightening torque max. 10 Nm). In case
of any modification, proceed very carefully.
Risk of refrigerant loss!
Check the thread.
Carefully screw the adapter in and tighten it to
the prescribed tightening torque.
Test tightness before commissioning!
4.5 Capacity control (CR) and start unloading (SU)
The standard CS. versions are equipped with a "Dual
capacity control" (control with a slider). This allows in-
finite as well as 4-stage regulation without any rebuild-
ing of the compressor. The only difference in the oper-
ating mode is the activation of the solenoid valves.
The capacity control of CSW105 compressors is auto-
matically controlled via the CM-SW-01 compressor
For detailed descriptions on capacity control
and start unloading as well as their control, see
manual SH-170.
Mount pipelines in such a way that the compressor is
protected from flooding with oil or liquid refrigerant dur-
ing standstill. Follow the notes given in SH-170.
Optional pipes for economiser (ECO) (not for CSH95),
see figure 5, page 12 and/or liquid injection (LI), see
figure 6, page 12 must first be routed upward from the
connection. This avoids oil migration and damage to
the components through hydraulic pressure peaks (see
manual SH-170).
CS 65 .. CS 85
min. 20 cm
Fig. 5: Pipe layout of the ECO suction gas line at the compressor
Pulsation muffler
min. 20 cm
ON 110°C
OFF 100°C
Fig. 6: Pipe layout for liquid injection (LI) with liquid injection valve
The connections for economiser (ECO) and/or
liquid injection (LI) are not provided on all com-
pressor models, see dimensional drawings.
The connections for ECO and LI on the CSK61
compressor are not approved for use. These
connections will no longer be available in the
near future.
Notice for connecting an external oil cooler, see
manual SH-170.
For other examples about pipe layout, see
manual SH-170.
Additional connections for evacuation
For an optimal evacuation capacity, it is recommended
to install generously-sized, lockable additional connec-
tions on the discharge and suction sides. Sections
locked by check valves must have separate connec-
Observe the following for all connections retrofitted on
the compressor
Risk of refrigerant loss!
Check the thread.
Carefully screw the adapter in and tighten it to
the prescribed tightening torque.
Test tightness before commissioning!
4.4 Oil connection
Pressure gauge connection on the oil valve for
The pressure gauge connection on the oil valve for
maintenance is delivered with a screwing cap
(7/16-20 UNF, tightening torque max. 10 Nm). In case
of any modification, proceed very carefully.
Risk of refrigerant loss!
Check the thread.
Carefully screw the adapter in and tighten it to
the prescribed tightening torque.
Test tightness before commissioning!
4.5 Capacity control (CR) and start unloading (SU)
The standard CS. versions are equipped with a "Dual
capacity control" (control with a slider). This allows in-
finite as well as 4-stage regulation without any rebuild-
ing of the compressor. The only difference in the oper-
ating mode is the activation of the solenoid valves.
The capacity control of CSW105 compressors is auto-
matically controlled via the CM-SW-01 compressor
For detailed descriptions on capacity control
and start unloading as well as their control, see
manual SH-170.