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SB-170-9 RUS




5.1 Raccordements réseau
Lors du dimensionnement des contacteurs du moteur,

des conduites d'amenée et des fusibles :
• Prendre en considération le courant de service maxi-

mal ou la puissance absorbée maximale du moteur.

• Choisir des contacteurs de la catégorie d'utilisation


• Régler le relais thermique sur le courant de service

maximal du compresseur.

5.2 Versions moteur




Risque de défaillance de compresseur !

N'utiliser le compresseur que dans le sens de

rotation prescrit !

Les séries de compresseurs CS.65, CS.75, CS.85,

CSH76 et CSH86 sont équipées de série de moteurs à

bobinage partiel (Part Winding, « PW ») avec

connexion Δ/ΔΔ. En option, elles peuvent également

être équipées de moteurs à étoile/triangle (Y/Δ). Pour

des informations détaillées, se reporter au manuel

Les modèles CS.95, CSH96 et CSW105 sont générale-

ment équipés de moteurs à étoile/triangle (Y/Δ).

Moteurs à bobinage partiel (PW)
Méthodes de démarrage :
• Démarrage à bobinage partiel pour réduire le cou-

rant de démarrage.

• Démarrage direct.
Retard de temps avant l’allumage du 2ème bobinage

partiel : 0,5 s max. !
Effectuer correctement les raccordements ! Une erreur

d’arrangement des raccords électriques aboutit à des

champs tournants contraires ou à l’angle de phase dé-

calé, et donc à un blocage du moteur !
Raccorder les bornes du moteur au couvercle de la

boîte de raccordement conformément aux instructions.

Tenir compte absolument de l’ordre des bobinages par-

tiels !
• 1er bobinage partiel (contacteur K1) : Raccords 1 /

2 / 3.

• 2ème bobinage partiel (contacteur K2) : Raccords 7 /

8 / 9.

• Partage de bobinage 50%/50%.
• Répartition des contacteurs moteur :

– 1er contacteur (PW 1) : 60% du courant de ser-

vice max.

– 2ème contacteur (PW 2) : 60% du courant de ser-

vice max.

Moteur à étoile-triangle
Le retard de temps entre la mise en route du compres-

seur d’un côté et, de l’autre, la commutation entre

l’opération en étoile et celle en triangle ne doit pas dé-

passer les 2 s.

Effectuer correctement les raccordements !

Toute erreur d’arrangement des raccords électriques

aboutit à un court-circuit !


Les contacteurs réseau et triangles doivent être

calculés à au moins 60% du courant de service

max., le contacteur étoile à 33%.

5.3 Essai de haute tension (test de résistance


Les compresseurs ont déjà été soumis avant leur sortie

d’usine à un essai de haute tension conformément à la

norme EN12693 ou conformément aux normes UL984

ou UL60335-2-34 pour la version UL.




Risque d'endommagement de l'isolant et de dé-

faillance du moteur !

Il ne faut surtout pas répéter l'essai de haute

tension de la même manière !

Un nouvel essai de haute tension ne doit être réalisé

qu’à une tension alternative max. de 1000 V CA.

5.2  Версии мотора


Опасность выхода из строя компрессора!

Эксплуатация компрессора только с 

предусмотренным направлением вращения!

Компрессоры серий CS.65, CS.75, CS.85, CSH76 

и CSH86 стандартно оснащаются моторами с 

разделенными обмотками (Part Winding «PW») с 

подключением по схеме Δ/ΔΔ. По специальному заказу 

могут поставляться также моторы «звезда-треугольник» 

(Y/ Δ). Подробную информацию смотрите в руководстве 

Модели CS.95, CSH96 и CSW105 - всегда оснащаются 

моторами «звезда-треугольник» (Y/ Δ).

Моторы с разделенными обмотками (PW):
Методы пуска:
•  Пуск мотора с разделенными обмотками для 

снижения пускового тока

•  Прямой пуск
Временная задержка подключения второй разделенной 

обмотки составляет: максимум 0.5 сек.!
Правильно подключайте соединения! Неправильное 

подключение разделенных обмоток ведёт к изменению 

направления или ослаблению вращающихся полей 

за счет изменения межфазовых углов. Это приводит к 

блокировке мотора!
Осуществляйте подключение клемм в соответствии с 

эл. схемой на крышке клеммной коробки.



5.2 Motor versions




Risk of compressor failure!

Operate the compressor only in the intended ro-

tation direction!

The compressor series CS.65, CS.75, CS.85, CSH76

and CSH86 and are equipped by default with part-wind-

ing motors ("PW") in Δ/ΔΔ-wiring. Star-delta motors (Y/

Δ) are also available as an option. For detailed informa-

tion, see manual SH-170.
The CS.95, CSH96 and CSW105 models are generally

equipped with star-delta motors (Y/Δ).

Part-winding motors (PW)
Starting modes:
• Part-winding start to reduce the starting current.
• Direct start.
Time delay until switch-on of the 2nd part winding: max.

0.5 s!
Make the connections correctly! Wrong electrical con-

nections will lead to opposite fields of rotation or to

fields of rotation out of phase and therefore to a motor

Connect motor terminals on the cover of the terminal

box according to the instructions.
Strictly observe the order of the part windings!
• 1st part winding (contactor K1): connections 1 / 2 / 3.
• 2nd part winding (contactor K2): connections 7 / 8 /


• Winding partition 50%/50%.
• Motor contactor selection:

– 1st contactor (PW 1): 60% of the max. operating


– 2nd contactor (PW 2): 60% of the max. operating


Star-delta motor
The time delay between switch-on of the compressor

and switch-over from star to delta operation shall not

exceed 2 s.

Make the connections correctly!

Wrong electrical connections will lead to short-circuit!


Rate the mains contactor and the delta con-

tactor at min. 60% and the star contactor at min.

33% of the max. operating current.

5.3 High potential test (insulation strength test)
The compressors were already submitted to a high po-

tential test in the factory according to EN12693 or ac-

cording to UL984 or UL60335-2-34 for the UL model.




Risk of defect on the insulation and motor fail-


Never repeat the high potential test in the same


A repeated high potential test may only be carried out

with max. 1000 V AC.

5.4 Protection devices


Risk of electric shock!

Before performing any work in the terminal box

of the compressor: Switch off the main switch

and secure it against being switched on again!

Close the terminal box of the compressor before

switching on again!




Potential failure of the protection device and the

motor due to improper connection and/or faulty


Connect properly according to the schematic

wiring diagrams and check the connections for

tight seat.

The cables and terminals of the PTC control cir-

cuit must not come into contact with the control

voltage or operating voltage!

5.4.1 SE-E1
This protection device is incorporated as standard in

the terminal box of all HS.53 .. HS.85 compressors and

CSH, CSW compressors. In the state of delivery, the

cables for the monitoring of motor and oil temperature,

rotation direction and phase failure are connected to

the terminal plate. Other connections according to the

wiring diagram in the terminal box, see manual SH-170

and Technical Information ST-120.
Monitoring functions:
• Temperature monitoring.
• Rotation direction monitoring.
• Phase failure monitoring.



5.1 Raccordements réseau
Lors du dimensionnement des contacteurs du moteur,

des conduites d'amenée et des fusibles :
• Prendre en considération le courant de service maxi-

mal ou la puissance absorbée maximale du moteur.

• Choisir des contacteurs de la catégorie d'utilisation


• Régler le relais thermique sur le courant de service

maximal du compresseur.

5.2 Versions moteur




Risque de défaillance de compresseur !

N'utiliser le compresseur que dans le sens de

rotation prescrit !

Les séries de compresseurs CS.65, CS.75, CS.85,

CSH76 et CSH86 sont équipées de série de moteurs à

bobinage partiel (Part Winding, « PW ») avec

connexion Δ/ΔΔ. En option, elles peuvent également

être équipées de moteurs à étoile/triangle (Y/Δ). Pour

des informations détaillées, se reporter au manuel

Les modèles CS.95, CSH96 et CSW105 sont générale-

ment équipés de moteurs à étoile/triangle (Y/Δ).

Moteurs à bobinage partiel (PW)
Méthodes de démarrage :
• Démarrage à bobinage partiel pour réduire le cou-

rant de démarrage.

• Démarrage direct.
Retard de temps avant l’allumage du 2ème bobinage

partiel : 0,5 s max. !
Effectuer correctement les raccordements ! Une erreur

d’arrangement des raccords électriques aboutit à des

champs tournants contraires ou à l’angle de phase dé-

calé, et donc à un blocage du moteur !
Raccorder les bornes du moteur au couvercle de la

boîte de raccordement conformément aux instructions.

Tenir compte absolument de l’ordre des bobinages par-

tiels !
• 1er bobinage partiel (contacteur K1) : Raccords 1 /

2 / 3.

• 2ème bobinage partiel (contacteur K2) : Raccords 7 /

8 / 9.

• Partage de bobinage 50%/50%.
• Répartition des contacteurs moteur :

– 1er contacteur (PW 1) : 60% du courant de ser-

vice max.

– 2ème contacteur (PW 2) : 60% du courant de ser-

vice max.

Moteur à étoile-triangle
Le retard de temps entre la mise en route du compres-

seur d’un côté et, de l’autre, la commutation entre

l’opération en étoile et celle en triangle ne doit pas dé-

passer les 2 s.

Effectuer correctement les raccordements !

Toute erreur d’arrangement des raccords électriques

aboutit à un court-circuit !


Les contacteurs réseau et triangles doivent être

calculés à au moins 60% du courant de service

max., le contacteur étoile à 33%.

5.3 Essai de haute tension (test de résistance


Les compresseurs ont déjà été soumis avant leur sortie

d’usine à un essai de haute tension conformément à la

norme EN12693 ou conformément aux normes UL984

ou UL60335-2-34 pour la version UL.




Risque d'endommagement de l'isolant et de dé-

faillance du moteur !

Il ne faut surtout pas répéter l'essai de haute

tension de la même manière !

Un nouvel essai de haute tension ne doit être réalisé

qu’à une tension alternative max. de 1000 V CA.

5.1  Основные подключения
При определении параметров контакторов, кабелей и 


•   Необходимо исходить из величины максимального 

рабочего тока или максимальной потребляемой 

мощности мотора.

•   Выбирать контакторы категории применения AC3.
•   Определять параметры тепловых реле перегрузки по 

току на основе величины максимального рабочего тока.

Строго соблюдайте порядок подключения 

разделенных обмоток!
•  Первая разделенная обмотка (контактор К1): 

соединения 1 / 2 / 3

•  Вторая разделенная обмотка (контактор К2): 

соединения 7 / 8 / 9

•  Распределение тока по разделенным обмотками 


•  Определение параметров контакторов 

производится исходя из:

  –   1-й контактор (PW 1): 60% от максимального 

рабочего тока.

  –   2-й контактор (PW 2): 60% от максимального 

рабочего тока.

Мотор «звезда-треугольник»
Временная задержка от включения компрессора 

до переключения со «звезды» на «треугольник» не 

должна превышать 2 сек.

Правильно подключайте соединения!

Неправильное подключение обмоток может привести к 

короткому замыканию!


Главный контактор и контактор для включения 

обмотки «треугольником» подбирайте из 

расчета не менее 60% от максимального 

рабочего тока, контактор для включения 

обмотки «звездой» на 33% от максимального 

рабочего тока.

5.3    Испытание высоким напряжением 

(испытание электрической прочности 


Компрессор уже был испытан высоким напряжением 

на заводе, в соответствии с EN 12693 или при UL-

исполнении согласно UL984 или UL60335-2-34.


Опасность повреждения изоляции и выхода из 

строя мотора!

Не повторяйте испытание высоким 

напряжением таким же образом!

Повторный тест с высоким потенциалом может 

проводиться только с макс. 1000 V AC.



5.2 Motor versions




Risk of compressor failure!

Operate the compressor only in the intended ro-

tation direction!

The compressor series CS.65, CS.75, CS.85, CSH76

and CSH86 and are equipped by default with part-wind-

ing motors ("PW") in Δ/ΔΔ-wiring. Star-delta motors (Y/

Δ) are also available as an option. For detailed informa-

tion, see manual SH-170.
The CS.95, CSH96 and CSW105 models are generally

equipped with star-delta motors (Y/Δ).

Part-winding motors (PW)
Starting modes:
• Part-winding start to reduce the starting current.
• Direct start.
Time delay until switch-on of the 2nd part winding: max.

0.5 s!
Make the connections correctly! Wrong electrical con-

nections will lead to opposite fields of rotation or to

fields of rotation out of phase and therefore to a motor

Connect motor terminals on the cover of the terminal

box according to the instructions.
Strictly observe the order of the part windings!
• 1st part winding (contactor K1): connections 1 / 2 / 3.
• 2nd part winding (contactor K2): connections 7 / 8 /


• Winding partition 50%/50%.
• Motor contactor selection:

– 1st contactor (PW 1): 60% of the max. operating


– 2nd contactor (PW 2): 60% of the max. operating


Star-delta motor
The time delay between switch-on of the compressor

and switch-over from star to delta operation shall not

exceed 2 s.

Make the connections correctly!

Wrong electrical connections will lead to short-circuit!


Rate the mains contactor and the delta con-

tactor at min. 60% and the star contactor at min.

33% of the max. operating current.

5.3 High potential test (insulation strength test)
The compressors were already submitted to a high po-

tential test in the factory according to EN12693 or ac-

cording to UL984 or UL60335-2-34 for the UL model.




Risk of defect on the insulation and motor fail-


Never repeat the high potential test in the same


A repeated high potential test may only be carried out

with max. 1000 V AC.

5.4 Protection devices


Risk of electric shock!

Before performing any work in the terminal box

of the compressor: Switch off the main switch

and secure it against being switched on again!

Close the terminal box of the compressor before

switching on again!




Potential failure of the protection device and the

motor due to improper connection and/or faulty


Connect properly according to the schematic

wiring diagrams and check the connections for

tight seat.

The cables and terminals of the PTC control cir-

cuit must not come into contact with the control

voltage or operating voltage!

5.4.1 SE-E1
This protection device is incorporated as standard in

the terminal box of all HS.53 .. HS.85 compressors and

CSH, CSW compressors. In the state of delivery, the

cables for the monitoring of motor and oil temperature,

rotation direction and phase failure are connected to

the terminal plate. Other connections according to the

wiring diagram in the terminal box, see manual SH-170

and Technical Information ST-120.
Monitoring functions:
• Temperature monitoring.
• Rotation direction monitoring.
• Phase failure monitoring.



5.2 Motor versions




Risk of compressor failure!

Operate the compressor only in the intended ro-

tation direction!

The compressor series CS.65, CS.75, CS.85, CSH76

and CSH86 and are equipped by default with part-wind-

ing motors ("PW") in Δ/ΔΔ-wiring. Star-delta motors (Y/

Δ) are also available as an option. For detailed informa-

tion, see manual SH-170.
The CS.95, CSH96 and CSW105 models are generally

equipped with star-delta motors (Y/Δ).

Part-winding motors (PW)
Starting modes:
• Part-winding start to reduce the starting current.
• Direct start.
Time delay until switch-on of the 2nd part winding: max.

0.5 s!
Make the connections correctly! Wrong electrical con-

nections will lead to opposite fields of rotation or to

fields of rotation out of phase and therefore to a motor

Connect motor terminals on the cover of the terminal

box according to the instructions.
Strictly observe the order of the part windings!
• 1st part winding (contactor K1): connections 1 / 2 / 3.
• 2nd part winding (contactor K2): connections 7 / 8 /


• Winding partition 50%/50%.
• Motor contactor selection:

– 1st contactor (PW 1): 60% of the max. operating


– 2nd contactor (PW 2): 60% of the max. operating


Star-delta motor
The time delay between switch-on of the compressor

and switch-over from star to delta operation shall not

exceed 2 s.

Make the connections correctly!

Wrong electrical connections will lead to short-circuit!


Rate the mains contactor and the delta con-

tactor at min. 60% and the star contactor at min.

33% of the max. operating current.

5.3 High potential test (insulation strength test)
The compressors were already submitted to a high po-

tential test in the factory according to EN12693 or ac-

cording to UL984 or UL60335-2-34 for the UL model.




Risk of defect on the insulation and motor fail-


Never repeat the high potential test in the same


A repeated high potential test may only be carried out

with max. 1000 V AC.

5.4 Protection devices


Risk of electric shock!

Before performing any work in the terminal box

of the compressor: Switch off the main switch

and secure it against being switched on again!

Close the terminal box of the compressor before

switching on again!




Potential failure of the protection device and the

motor due to improper connection and/or faulty


Connect properly according to the schematic

wiring diagrams and check the connections for

tight seat.

The cables and terminals of the PTC control cir-

cuit must not come into contact with the control

voltage or operating voltage!

5.4.1 SE-E1
This protection device is incorporated as standard in

the terminal box of all HS.53 .. HS.85 compressors and

CSH, CSW compressors. In the state of delivery, the

cables for the monitoring of motor and oil temperature,

rotation direction and phase failure are connected to

the terminal plate. Other connections according to the

wiring diagram in the terminal box, see manual SH-170

and Technical Information ST-120.
Monitoring functions:
• Temperature monitoring.
• Rotation direction monitoring.
• Phase failure monitoring.



5.2 Motor versions




Risk of compressor failure!

Operate the compressor only in the intended ro-

tation direction!

The compressor series CS.65, CS.75, CS.85, CSH76

and CSH86 and are equipped by default with part-wind-

ing motors ("PW") in Δ/ΔΔ-wiring. Star-delta motors (Y/

Δ) are also available as an option. For detailed informa-

tion, see manual SH-170.
The CS.95, CSH96 and CSW105 models are generally

equipped with star-delta motors (Y/Δ).

Part-winding motors (PW)
Starting modes:
• Part-winding start to reduce the starting current.
• Direct start.
Time delay until switch-on of the 2nd part winding: max.

0.5 s!
Make the connections correctly! Wrong electrical con-

nections will lead to opposite fields of rotation or to

fields of rotation out of phase and therefore to a motor

Connect motor terminals on the cover of the terminal

box according to the instructions.
Strictly observe the order of the part windings!
• 1st part winding (contactor K1): connections 1 / 2 / 3.
• 2nd part winding (contactor K2): connections 7 / 8 /


• Winding partition 50%/50%.
• Motor contactor selection:

– 1st contactor (PW 1): 60% of the max. operating


– 2nd contactor (PW 2): 60% of the max. operating


Star-delta motor
The time delay between switch-on of the compressor

and switch-over from star to delta operation shall not

exceed 2 s.

Make the connections correctly!

Wrong electrical connections will lead to short-circuit!


Rate the mains contactor and the delta con-

tactor at min. 60% and the star contactor at min.

33% of the max. operating current.

5.3 High potential test (insulation strength test)
The compressors were already submitted to a high po-

tential test in the factory according to EN12693 or ac-

cording to UL984 or UL60335-2-34 for the UL model.




Risk of defect on the insulation and motor fail-


Never repeat the high potential test in the same


A repeated high potential test may only be carried out

with max. 1000 V AC.

5.4 Protection devices


Risk of electric shock!

Before performing any work in the terminal box

of the compressor: Switch off the main switch

and secure it against being switched on again!

Close the terminal box of the compressor before

switching on again!




Potential failure of the protection device and the

motor due to improper connection and/or faulty


Connect properly according to the schematic

wiring diagrams and check the connections for

tight seat.

The cables and terminals of the PTC control cir-

cuit must not come into contact with the control

voltage or operating voltage!

5.4.1 SE-E1
This protection device is incorporated as standard in

the terminal box of all HS.53 .. HS.85 compressors and

CSH, CSW compressors. In the state of delivery, the

cables for the monitoring of motor and oil temperature,

rotation direction and phase failure are connected to

the terminal plate. Other connections according to the

wiring diagram in the terminal box, see manual SH-170

and Technical Information ST-120.
Monitoring functions:
• Temperature monitoring.
• Rotation direction monitoring.
• Phase failure monitoring.

5.2  Версии мотора


Опасность выхода из строя компрессора!

Эксплуатация компрессора только с 

предусмотренным направлением вращения!

Компрессоры серий CS.65, CS.75, CS.85, CSH76 

и CSH86 стандартно оснащаются моторами с 

разделенными обмотками (Part Winding «PW») с 

подключением по схеме Δ/ΔΔ. По специальному заказу 

могут поставляться также моторы «звезда-треугольник» 

(Y/ Δ). Подробную информацию смотрите в руководстве 

Модели CS.95, CSH96 и CSW105 - всегда оснащаются 

моторами «звезда-треугольник» (Y/ Δ).
Моторы с разделенными обмотками (PW):
Методы пуска:
•  Пуск мотора с разделенными обмотками для 

снижения пускового тока

•  Прямой пуск
Временная задержка подключения второй разделенной 

обмотки составляет: максимум 0.5 сек.!
Правильно подключайте соединения! Неправильное 

подключение разделенных обмоток ведёт к изменению 

направления или ослаблению вращающихся полей 

за счет изменения межфазовых углов. Это приводит к 

блокировке мотора!
Осуществляйте подключение клемм в соответствии с 

эл. схемой на крышке клеммной коробки.



5.2 Motor versions




Risk of compressor failure!

Operate the compressor only in the intended ro-

tation direction!

The compressor series CS.65, CS.75, CS.85, CSH76

and CSH86 and are equipped by default with part-wind-

ing motors ("PW") in Δ/ΔΔ-wiring. Star-delta motors (Y/

Δ) are also available as an option. For detailed informa-

tion, see manual SH-170.
The CS.95, CSH96 and CSW105 models are generally

equipped with star-delta motors (Y/Δ).

Part-winding motors (PW)
Starting modes:
• Part-winding start to reduce the starting current.
• Direct start.
Time delay until switch-on of the 2nd part winding: max.

0.5 s!
Make the connections correctly! Wrong electrical con-

nections will lead to opposite fields of rotation or to

fields of rotation out of phase and therefore to a motor

Connect motor terminals on the cover of the terminal

box according to the instructions.
Strictly observe the order of the part windings!
• 1st part winding (contactor K1): connections 1 / 2 / 3.
• 2nd part winding (contactor K2): connections 7 / 8 /


• Winding partition 50%/50%.
• Motor contactor selection:

– 1st contactor (PW 1): 60% of the max. operating


– 2nd contactor (PW 2): 60% of the max. operating


Star-delta motor
The time delay between switch-on of the compressor

and switch-over from star to delta operation shall not

exceed 2 s.

Make the connections correctly!

Wrong electrical connections will lead to short-circuit!


Rate the mains contactor and the delta con-

tactor at min. 60% and the star contactor at min.

33% of the max. operating current.

5.3 High potential test (insulation strength test)
The compressors were already submitted to a high po-

tential test in the factory according to EN12693 or ac-

cording to UL984 or UL60335-2-34 for the UL model.




Risk of defect on the insulation and motor fail-


Never repeat the high potential test in the same


A repeated high potential test may only be carried out

with max. 1000 V AC.

5.4 Protection devices


Risk of electric shock!

Before performing any work in the terminal box

of the compressor: Switch off the main switch

and secure it against being switched on again!

Close the terminal box of the compressor before

switching on again!




Potential failure of the protection device and the

motor due to improper connection and/or faulty


Connect properly according to the schematic

wiring diagrams and check the connections for

tight seat.

The cables and terminals of the PTC control cir-

cuit must not come into contact with the control

voltage or operating voltage!

5.4.1 SE-E1
This protection device is incorporated as standard in

the terminal box of all HS.53 .. HS.85 compressors and

CSH, CSW compressors. In the state of delivery, the

cables for the monitoring of motor and oil temperature,

rotation direction and phase failure are connected to

the terminal plate. Other connections according to the

wiring diagram in the terminal box, see manual SH-170

and Technical Information ST-120.
Monitoring functions:
• Temperature monitoring.
• Rotation direction monitoring.
• Phase failure monitoring.

Содержание CSH6553-35Y

Страница 1: ...C control circuit to detect any short circuit or line break sensor failure Rotation direction monitoring Monitoring of phase failure and asymmetry Monitoring of the maximum cycling rate For further in...

Страница 2: ...r les 2 s Effectuer correctement les raccordements Toute erreur d arrangement des raccords lectriques aboutit un court circuit Information Les contacteurs r seau et triangles doivent tre calcul s au m...

Страница 3: ...lure and asymmetry Monitoring of the maximum cycling rate For further information see Technical Information CT 110 5 4 4 SE E2 Optional protection device for operation with frequency inverter and soft...

Страница 4: ...agement de l isolant et de d faillance du moteur Il ne faut surtout pas r p ter l essai de haute tension de la m me mani re Un nouvel essai de haute tension ne doit tre r alis qu une tension alternati...

Страница 5: ...nd for small system volume and small refrigerant charge Indirect monitoring with oil tem perature sensor standard NOTICE Lack of oil leads to a too high increase in tem perature Risk of damage to the...

Страница 6: ...I liquid injection The economiser of the compressor models CSW65 to CSW105 and CSH76 to CSH96 is only active at full load These compressors have no connections for addi tional cooling For production r...

Страница 7: ...onitoring Monitoring of the PTC control circuit to detect any short circuit or line break sensor failure Rotation direction monitoring Monitoring of phase failure and asymmetry Monitoring of the maxim...

Страница 8: ...retard de temps entre la mise en route du compres seur d un c t et de l autre la commutation entre l op ration en toile et celle en triangle ne doit pas d passer les 2 s Effectuer correctement les ra...

Страница 9: ...cally identical to those of SE E1 However the SE E2 monitors phase fail ure during the entire running time of the compressor For further information see Technical Information ST 122 5 4 5 Monitoring o...

Страница 10: ...ment les raccordements Toute erreur d arrangement des raccords lectriques aboutit un court circuit Information Les contacteurs r seau et triangles doivent tre calcul s au moins 60 du courant de servic...

Страница 11: ...tem perature sensor standard NOTICE Lack of oil leads to a too high increase in tem perature Risk of damage to the compressor For circuits with liquid injection LI for additional cooling and or for g...

Страница 12: ...tension de la m me mani re Un nouvel essai de haute tension ne doit tre r alis qu une tension alternative max de 1000 V CA SB 170 9 12 Mount pipelines in such a way that the compressor is protected f...

Страница 13: ...phase failure and asymmetry Monitoring of the maximum cycling rate For further information see Technical Information CT 110 5 4 4 SE E2 Optional protection device for operation with frequency inverte...

Страница 14: ...contacteurs moteur 1er contacteur PW 1 60 du courant de ser vice max 2 me contacteur PW 2 60 du courant de ser vice max Moteur toile triangle Le retard de temps entre la mise en route du compres seur...

Страница 15: ...monitoring Monitoring of the PTC control circuit to detect any short circuit or line break sensor failure Rotation direction monitoring Monitoring of phase failure and asymmetry Monitoring of the maxi...

Страница 16: ...partiel contacteur K1 Raccords 1 2 3 2 me bobinage partiel contacteur K2 Raccords 7 8 9 Partage de bobinage 50 50 R partition des contacteurs moteur 1er contacteur PW 1 60 du courant de ser vice max 2...

Страница 17: ...control circuit to detect any short circuit or line break sensor failure Rotation direction monitoring Monitoring of phase failure and asymmetry Monitoring of the maximum cycling rate For further info...

Страница 18: ...r K1 Raccords 1 2 3 2 me bobinage partiel contacteur K2 Raccords 7 8 9 Partage de bobinage 50 50 R partition des contacteurs moteur 1er contacteur PW 1 60 du courant de ser vice max 2 me contacteur PW...

Страница 19: ...Monitoring functions Temperature monitoring Monitoring of the PTC control circuit to detect any short circuit or line break sensor failure Rotation direction monitoring Monitoring of phase failure and...

Страница 20: ...age partiel contacteur K2 Raccords 7 8 9 Partage de bobinage 50 50 R partition des contacteurs moteur 1er contacteur PW 1 60 du courant de ser vice max 2 me contacteur PW 2 60 du courant de ser vice m...

Страница 21: ...circuit to detect any short circuit or line break sensor failure Rotation direction monitoring Monitoring of phase failure and asymmetry Monitoring of the maximum cycling rate For further information...

Страница 22: ...e des bobinages par tiels 1er bobinage partiel contacteur K1 Raccords 1 2 3 2 me bobinage partiel contacteur K2 Raccords 7 8 9 Partage de bobinage 50 50 R partition des contacteurs moteur 1er contacte...

Страница 23: ...e compressor For circuits with liquid injection LI for additional cooling and or for great system volume as well as parallel compounding Monitor oil level directly with opto electronic oil level monit...

Страница 24: ...nded ro tation direction The compressor series CS 65 CS 75 CS 85 CSH76 and CSH86 and are equipped by default with part wind ing motors PW in wiring Star delta motors Y are also available as an option...

Страница 25: ...connection is on the compressor housing see chapter Connections and dimensional drawings page 14 position 8 SB 170 9 25 5 4 2 CM SW 01 Standard for all CSW105 compressors The compressor module integra...

Страница 26: ...nsor that monitors the oil level with infrared light Depending on the mounting position and electrical connection the same unit can be used for monitoring the minimum and maximum oil levels The monito...

Страница 27: ...r circuits with liquid injection LI for additional cooling and or for great system volume as well as parallel compounding Monitor oil level directly with opto electronic oil level monitoring option se...

Страница 28: ...sor start Oil level between the middle of the lower sight glass and the upper area of the upper sight glass During compressor start oil temperature must be at least 20 C and 20 K above ambient tempera...

Страница 29: ...echnical Information ST 122 5 4 5 Monitoring of the oil circuit For short circuits without liquid injection LI for addi tional cooling and for small system volume and small refrigerant charge Indirect...

Страница 30: ...d requirements must be ensured by the control logic Desirable minimum running time 5 minutes Switching the compressor off When using a star delta motor shut it off from the 25 CR stage Minimum standst...

Страница 31: ...h liquid injection LI for additional cooling and or for great system volume as well as parallel compounding Monitor oil level directly with opto electronic oil level monitoring option see chapter Opto...

Страница 32: ...rm ment aux normes UL984 ou UL60335 2 34 pour la version UL AVIS Risque d endommagement de l isolant et de d faillance du moteur Il ne faut surtout pas r p ter l essai de haute tension de la m me mani...

Страница 33: ...ure during the entire running time of the compressor For further information see Technical Information ST 122 5 4 5 Monitoring of the oil circuit For short circuits without liquid injection LI for ad...

Страница 34: doit pas d passer les 2 s Effectuer correctement les raccordements Toute erreur d arrangement des raccords lectriques aboutit un court circuit Information Les contacteurs r seau et triangles doiven...

Страница 35: ...inverter and soft starter for a ramp time shorter than 1 s Dimensions and integration in the control identical to SE E1 Suitable for all CS compressors Monitoring functions are basically identical to...

Страница 36: ...ur toile triangle Le retard de temps entre la mise en route du compres seur d un c t et de l autre la commutation entre l op ration en toile et celle en triangle ne doit pas d passer les 2 s Effectuer...

Страница 37: ...ard NOTICE Lack of oil leads to a too high increase in tem perature Risk of damage to the compressor For circuits with liquid injection LI for additional cooling and or for great system volume as well...

Страница 38: ...aux normes UL984 ou UL60335 2 34 pour la version UL AVIS Risque d endommagement de l isolant et de d faillance du moteur Il ne faut surtout pas r p ter l essai de haute tension de la m me mani re Un...

Страница 39: ...8 SB 170 9 39 3 1 Economiser und Zusatzk hlung Die Verdichter CSH65 bis CSH95 haben einen Econo miseranschluss ECO der im ganzen Regelbereich der Leistungsregelung aktiv ist Sie haben ebenfalls An sch...

Страница 40: ...7 8 9 Partage de bobinage 50 50 R partition des contacteurs moteur 1er contacteur PW 1 60 du courant de ser vice max 2 me contacteur PW 2 60 du courant de ser vice max Moteur toile triangle Le retard...

Страница 41: ...asymmetry Monitoring of the maximum cycling rate For further information see Technical Information CT 110 5 4 4 SE E2 Optional protection device for operation with frequency inverter and soft starter...

Страница 42: ...tre calcul s au moins 60 du courant de service max le contacteur toile 33 5 3 Essai de haute tension test de r sistance d isolation Les compresseurs ont d j t soumis avant leur sortie d usine un essai...

Страница 43: ...requency inverter and soft starter for a ramp time shorter than 1 s Dimensions and integration in the control identical to SE E1 Suitable for all CS compressors Monitoring functions are basically iden...

Страница 44: ...Il ne faut surtout pas r p ter l essai de haute tension de la m me mani re Un nouvel essai de haute tension ne doit tre r alis qu une tension alternative max de 1000 V CA SB 170 9 44 4 3 Rohrleitunge...

Страница 45: ...erature Risk of damage to the compressor For circuits with liquid injection LI for additional cooling and or for great system volume as well as parallel compounding Monitor oil level directly with opt...

Страница 46: vice max Moteur toile triangle Le retard de temps entre la mise en route du compres seur d un c t et de l autre la commutation entre l op ration en toile et celle en triangle ne doit pas d passer l...

Страница 47: ...the PTC control circuit to detect any short circuit or line break sensor failure Rotation direction monitoring Monitoring of phase failure and asymmetry Monitoring of the maximum cycling rate For fur...

Страница 48: ...bobinage 50 50 R partition des contacteurs moteur 1er contacteur PW 1 60 du courant de ser vice max 2 me contacteur PW 2 60 du courant de ser vice max Moteur toile triangle Le retard de temps entre l...

Страница 49: ...option for all HS 53 HS 85 compressors and CSH and CSW compressors Monitoring functions Temperature monitoring Monitoring of the PTC control circuit to detect any short circuit or line break sensor fa...

Страница 50: ...contacteurs moteur 1er contacteur PW 1 60 du courant de ser vice max 2 me contacteur PW 2 60 du courant de ser vice max Moteur toile triangle Le retard de temps entre la mise en route du compres seur...

Страница 51: ...53 HS 85 compressors and CSH and CSW compressors Monitoring functions Temperature monitoring Monitoring of the PTC control circuit to detect any short circuit or line break sensor failure Rotation di...

Страница 52: ...teur K2 Raccords 7 8 9 Partage de bobinage 50 50 R partition des contacteurs moteur 1er contacteur PW 1 60 du courant de ser vice max 2 me contacteur PW 2 60 du courant de ser vice max Moteur toile tr...

Страница 53: ...and CSW compressors Monitoring functions Temperature monitoring Monitoring of the PTC control circuit to detect any short circuit or line break sensor failure Rotation direction monitoring Monitoring...

Страница 54: ...teurs moteur 1er contacteur PW 1 60 du courant de ser vice max 2 me contacteur PW 2 60 du courant de ser vice max Moteur toile triangle Le retard de temps entre la mise en route du compres seur d un c...

Страница 55: ...monitoring func tions can be used as an option for all HS 53 HS 85 compressors and CSH and CSW compressors Monitoring functions Temperature monitoring Monitoring of the PTC control circuit to detect a...

Страница 56: m me mani re Un nouvel essai de haute tension ne doit tre r alis qu une tension alternative max de 1000 V CA SB 170 9 56 Anschlusspositionen 1 Hochdruckanschluss HP 2 Zus tzlicher Hochdruckanschlu...

Страница 57: ...rectly with opto electronic oil level monitoring option see chapter Opto electronic oil level monitoring OLC D1 S page 26 The connection is on the compressor housing see chapter Connections and dimens...

Страница 58: ...B 170 9 58 5 4 2 CM SW 01 Standard bei allen CSW105 Verdichtern Das Verdichtermodul integriert die gesamte elektroni sche Peripherie des Verdichters Es erlaubt die ber wachung der wesentlichen Betrieb...

Страница 59: ...liquid injection LI for additional cooling and or for great system volume as well as parallel compounding Monitor oil level directly with opto electronic oil level monitoring option see chapter Opto e...

Страница 60: ...60 6 In Betrieb nehmen Der Verdichter ist ab Werk sorgf ltig getrocknet auf Dichtheit gepr ft und mit Schutzgas N2 bef llt GEFAHR Explosionsgefahr Verdichter keinesfalls mit Sauerstoff O2 oder anderen...

Страница 61: ...e chapter Opto electronic oil level monitoring OLC D1 S page 26 The connection is on the compressor housing see chapter Connections and dimensional drawings page 14 position 8 SB 170 9 61 Fl ssiges K...

Страница 62: ...e haute tension ne doit tre r alis qu une tension alternative max de 1000 V CA SB 170 9 62 6 6 2 Schmierung lkontrolle Schmierung des Verdichters unmittelbar nach dem Verdichteranlauf pr fen Das lnive...

Страница 63: ...ption see chapter Opto electronic oil level monitoring OLC D1 S page 26 The connection is on the compressor housing see chapter Connections and dimensional drawings page 14 position 8 SB 170 9 63 Umsc...

Страница 64: ...Wartung Herstellerdokumentation der eingesetzten Bauteile be achten 8 1 lwechsel HINWEIS Verdichterschaden durch zersetztes Ester l Feuchtigkeit wird im Ester l chemisch gebun den und kann durch Evaku...

Страница 65: ...charge Indirect monitoring with oil tem perature sensor standard NOTICE Lack of oil leads to a too high increase in tem perature Risk of damage to the compressor For circuits with liquid injection LI...

Страница 66: ...calcul s au moins 60 du courant de service max le contacteur toile 33 5 3 Essai de haute tension test de r sistance d isolation Les compresseurs ont d j t soumis avant leur sortie d usine un essai de...

Страница 67: ...l HS 53 HS 85 compressors and CSH and CSW compressors Monitoring functions Temperature monitoring Monitoring of the PTC control circuit to detect any short circuit or line break sensor failure Rotatio...

Страница 68: ...r sistance d isolation Les compresseurs ont d j t soumis avant leur sortie d usine un essai de haute tension conform ment la norme EN12693 ou conform ment aux normes UL984 ou UL60335 2 34 pour la ver...

Страница 69: ...quency inverter and soft starter for a ramp time shorter than 1 s Dimensions and integration in the control identical to SE E1 Suitable for all CS compressors Monitoring functions are basically identi...

Страница 70: ...ty reference to avoid a potentially hazard ous situation which could result in death or seri ous injury DANGER Safety reference to avoid an imminently hazard ous situation which may result in death or...

Страница 71: ...applied to the terminals of CN13 must not exceed 10 V The voltage applied to terminal 3 of CN14 must not exceed 24 V Do no apply voltage to the other terminals 3 Application ranges Permitted refrigera...

Страница 72: ...the compressor An adhesive label show ing this warning sign is enclosed with the Oper ating Instructions Refrigerant burning in the terminal box may only hap pen if several very rare errors occur at...

Страница 73: ...example of the CSH85 CSH compressors Weight kg Centre of gravity X mm Centre of gravity Y mm CSH6553 35Y 314 89 22 CSH6553 50 Y 322 100 22 CSH6563 40Y 314 107 22 CSH6563 60 Y 322 120 22 CSH6583 50Y 36...

Страница 74: ...83 100 Y 550 102 25 CSH7593 90Y 530 111 25 CSH7593 110 Y 560 123 25 CSH7673 70Y 520 120 25 CSH7683 80Y 530 90 25 CSH7693 90Y 535 111 25 CSH8553 80Y 830 103 22 CSH8553 110 Y 840 115 22 CSH8563 90Y 830...

Страница 75: ...s l axe longitudinal du bateau peut tre n ces saire voir figure 3 page 76 SB 170 9 75 Compresseurs CSW Poids kg Centre de gravit X mm Centre de gravit Y mm CSW6583 40Y 360 34 22 CSW6583 50 Y 365 39 22...

Страница 76: ...l du bateau et soit horizontalement par rapport au niveau d eau soit pench de 10 dans la direction longitudinale du compresseur avec le moteur vers le bas Pr requis Le niveau d huile reste dans la zon...

Страница 77: ...ismount the pipe connections and the bushes When turning or mounting shut off valves NOTICE Risk of damage to the compressor Tighten screws crosswise in at least 2 steps to the prescribed tightening t...

Страница 78: 4 stage regulation without any rebuild ing of the compressor The only difference in the oper ating mode is the activation of the solenoid valves The capacity control of CSW105 compressors is auto m...

Страница 79: ...tion de la puissance CR 4 tages CAP Puissance frigorifique CAP Faire cro tre la puissance frigorifique CAP Faire d cro tre la puissance frigorifique CAP Puissance frigorifique constante Vanne magn tiq...

Страница 80: ...eur PW 1 60 du courant de ser vice max 2 me contacteur PW 2 60 du courant de ser vice max Moteur toile triangle Le retard de temps entre la mise en route du compres seur d un c t et de l autre la comm...

Страница 81: ...TC control circuit to detect any short circuit or line break sensor failure Rotation direction monitoring Monitoring of phase failure and asymmetry Monitoring of the maximum cycling rate For further i...

Страница 82: ...cords 1 2 3 2 me bobinage partiel contacteur K2 Raccords 7 8 9 Partage de bobinage 50 50 R partition des contacteurs moteur 1er contacteur PW 1 60 du courant de ser vice max 2 me contacteur PW 2 60 du...

Страница 83: ...etect any short circuit or line break sensor failure Rotation direction monitoring Monitoring of phase failure and asymmetry Monitoring of the maximum cycling rate For further information see Technica...

Страница 84: ...bobinage partiel contacteur K2 Raccords 7 8 9 Partage de bobinage 50 50 R partition des contacteurs moteur 1er contacteur PW 1 60 du courant de ser vice max 2 me contacteur PW 2 60 du courant de ser v...

Страница 85: ...toring Monitoring of the PTC control circuit to detect any short circuit or line break sensor failure Rotation direction monitoring Monitoring of phase failure and asymmetry Monitoring of the maximum...

Страница 86: ...s 7 8 9 Partage de bobinage 50 50 R partition des contacteurs moteur 1er contacteur PW 1 60 du courant de ser vice max 2 me contacteur PW 2 60 du courant de ser vice max Moteur toile triangle Le retar...

Страница 87: ...circuit or line break sensor failure Rotation direction monitoring Monitoring of phase failure and asymmetry Monitoring of the maximum cycling rate For further information see Technical Information CT...

Страница 88: ...cteur PW 1 60 du courant de ser vice max 2 me contacteur PW 2 60 du courant de ser vice max Moteur toile triangle Le retard de temps entre la mise en route du compres seur d un c t et de l autre la co...

Страница 89: ...Also earth the compressor housing Connection see position 16 in the dimensional draw ings 5 1 Mains connections When dimensioning motor contactors feed lines and fuses Use the maximum operating curre...

Страница 90: ...Les mod les CS 95 CSH96 et CSW105 sont g n rale ment quip s de moteurs toile triangle Y Moteurs bobinage partiel PW M thodes de d marrage D marrage bobinage partiel pour r duire le cou rant de d marra...

Страница 91: ...the other terminals The following components are completely installed and wired in the state of delivery Slider position indicator Oil monitoring OLC D1 Solenoid valves for capacity control and Vi Dis...

Страница 92: ...pour les faibles volumes d installation et faibles contenance en fluide frigorig ne Contr le indirect au moyen d une sonde de temp rature d huile standard AVIS Un manque d huile aboutit une forte aug...

Страница 93: ...onnect it elec trically see Technical Information ST 130 Sub sequent tightness testing will not be required in this case When retrofitting both prism and electronic unit must be mounted For a detailed...

Страница 94: ...compressor Fill liquid refrigerant directly into the condenser or re ceiver on systems with flooded evaporator maybe directly into the evaporator Blends must be taken out of the charging cylinder as...

Страница 95: ...on rotation test without suction shut off valve Close the solenoid valves on the evaporator and the economiser The pressure changes measured in such a case are much lower than with throttled suc tion...

Страница 96: ...arrages par heure Temps de commutation des contacteurs moteur Bobinage partiel 0 5 s toile triangle 1 2 s pour CS 65 CS 75 et CS 85 toile triangle 1 5 2 s pour CS 95 et CSW105 6 6 5 6 6 6 20 K 30 K R4...

Страница 97: ...ts prolong s aucune galisation de temp rature ou de pression n est atteinte Le cas ch ant monter une commande par pump down command e en fonction du temps ou de la pression ou un s parateur de liquid...

Страница 98: ...rrouillage d terminer et liminer la cause 8 Maintenance Respecter la documentation constructeur des compo sants mont s 8 1 Remplacement de l huile AVIS Endommagement du compresseur d une huile d ester...

Страница 99: ...erant but dis pose of it properly Loosen screwed joints or flanges on the compressor valves Remove the compressor from the system use hoisting equipment if necessary 9 3 Disposing of the compressor Dr...

Страница 100: ...1000 V CA SB 170 9 100 9 3 liminer le compresseur Vidanger l huile du compresseur L huile us e devra tre recycl e de fa on adapt e Faire r parer le com presseur ou l liminer dans le respect de l envir...

Страница 101: ...ter mounting Test changed component for tightness Sight glasses with sealing flange Screw size M8 14 Nm M10 18 Nm Sight glasses with union nut Size AF 1 3 4 12 UN 50 150 Nm 2 1 4 12 UN 65 180 Nm AF wi...

Страница 102: ...ngle de phase d cal et donc un blocage du moteur Raccorder les bornes du moteur au couvercle de la bo te de raccordement conform ment aux instructions Tenir compte absolument de l ordre des bobinages...

Страница 103: ...cator and to the terminal strips CN7 to CN12 Please refer to the Technical Information ST 150 for in formation on all connections 5 4 3 SE i1 This protection device with extended monitoring func tions...

Страница 104: ...9 0 70 31 932 0 Fax 49 0 70 31 932 147 bitzer bitzer de www bitzer de nderungen vorbehalten Subject to change nderungen vorbehalten Toutes modifications r serv es80440806 02 2018 80440806 03 2018 Subj...
