SB-170-9 RUS
5.1 Raccordements réseau
Lors du dimensionnement des contacteurs du moteur,
des conduites d'amenée et des fusibles :
• Prendre en considération le courant de service maxi-
mal ou la puissance absorbée maximale du moteur.
• Choisir des contacteurs de la catégorie d'utilisation
• Régler le relais thermique sur le courant de service
maximal du compresseur.
5.2 Versions moteur
Risque de défaillance de compresseur !
N'utiliser le compresseur que dans le sens de
rotation prescrit !
Les séries de compresseurs CS.65, CS.75, CS.85,
CSH76 et CSH86 sont équipées de série de moteurs à
bobinage partiel (Part Winding, « PW ») avec
connexion Δ/ΔΔ. En option, elles peuvent également
être équipées de moteurs à étoile/triangle (Y/Δ). Pour
des informations détaillées, se reporter au manuel
Les modèles CS.95, CSH96 et CSW105 sont générale-
ment équipés de moteurs à étoile/triangle (Y/Δ).
Moteurs à bobinage partiel (PW)
Méthodes de démarrage :
• Démarrage à bobinage partiel pour réduire le cou-
rant de démarrage.
• Démarrage direct.
Retard de temps avant l’allumage du 2ème bobinage
partiel : 0,5 s max. !
Effectuer correctement les raccordements ! Une erreur
d’arrangement des raccords électriques aboutit à des
champs tournants contraires ou à l’angle de phase dé-
calé, et donc à un blocage du moteur !
Raccorder les bornes du moteur au couvercle de la
boîte de raccordement conformément aux instructions.
Tenir compte absolument de l’ordre des bobinages par-
tiels !
• 1er bobinage partiel (contacteur K1) : Raccords 1 /
2 / 3.
• 2ème bobinage partiel (contacteur K2) : Raccords 7 /
8 / 9.
• Partage de bobinage 50%/50%.
• Répartition des contacteurs moteur :
– 1er contacteur (PW 1) : 60% du courant de ser-
vice max.
– 2ème contacteur (PW 2) : 60% du courant de ser-
vice max.
Moteur à étoile-triangle
Le retard de temps entre la mise en route du compres-
seur d’un côté et, de l’autre, la commutation entre
l’opération en étoile et celle en triangle ne doit pas dé-
passer les 2 s.
Effectuer correctement les raccordements !
Toute erreur d’arrangement des raccords électriques
aboutit à un court-circuit !
Les contacteurs réseau et triangles doivent être
calculés à au moins 60% du courant de service
max., le contacteur étoile à 33%.
5.3 Essai de haute tension (test de résistance
Les compresseurs ont déjà été soumis avant leur sortie
d’usine à un essai de haute tension conformément à la
norme EN12693 ou conformément aux normes UL984
ou UL60335-2-34 pour la version UL.
Risque d'endommagement de l'isolant et de dé-
faillance du moteur !
Il ne faut surtout pas répéter l'essai de haute
tension de la même manière !
Un nouvel essai de haute tension ne doit être réalisé
qu’à une tension alternative max. de 1000 V CA.
1 Introduction
Ces compresseurs frigorifiques sont prévus pour un
montage dans des installations frigorifiques conformé-
ment à la Directive Machines 2006/42/CE. Ils ne
peuvent être mis en service qu'une fois installés dans
lesdites installations frigorifiques conformément aux
présentes instructions de service et de montage et que
si la machine complète répond aux réglementations en
vigueur (pour les normes appliquées, se reporter à la
déclaration d'incorporation).
Les compresseurs ont été conçus selon l'état actuel de
la technique et satisfont aux réglementations en vi-
gueur. La sécurité des utilisateurs a été particulière-
ment prise en considération.
Veuillez maintenir ces instructions de service à disposi-
tion à proximité immédiate de l'installation frigorifique
durant toute la durée de vie du compresseur.
1.1 Veuillez également tenir compte de la
documentation technique suivante
SW-170 : Intervalles de contrôle et de remplacement
pour les compresseurs à vis compacts.
2 Sécurité
2.1 Personnel spécialisé autorisé
Seul un personnel spécialisé ayant été formé et initié
est autorisé à effectuer des travaux sur les compres-
seurs et installations frigorifiques. Les qualifications et
compétences des personnels spécialisés sont décrites
dans les réglementations et directives nationales.
2.2 Dangers résiduels
Des dangers résiduels inévitables sont susceptibles
d'être causés par le compresseur. Toute personne tra-
vaillant sur cet appareil doit donc lire attentivement ces
instructions de service !
Doivent être absolument prises en compte :
• les prescriptions et normes de sécurité applicables
(p. ex. EN378, EN60204 et EN60335),
• les règles de sécurité généralement admises,
• les directives européennes,
• les réglementations nationales.
2.3 Indications de sécurité
sont des instructions pour éviter de vous mettre en
danger. Respecter avec soins les indications de sécuri-
té !
Indication de sécurité pour éviter une situation
qui peut endommager un dispositif ou son équi-
Indication de sécurité pour éviter une situation
potentiellement dangereuse qui peut provoquer
des lésions mineures ou modérées.
Indication de sécurité pour éviter une situation
potentiellement dangereuse qui peut entraîner
la mort ou des blessures graves.
Indication de sécurité pour éviter une situation
immédiatement dangereuse qui peut provoquer
la mort ou des blessures graves.
2.3.1 Indications de sécurité générales
Risque de défaillance de compresseur !
N'utiliser le compresseur que dans le sens de
rotation prescrit !
État à la livraison
Le compresseur est rempli de gaz de protec-
tion : Surpression 0,2 .. 0,5 bar.
Risque de blessure au niveau de la peau et des
Évacuer la pression du compresseur !
Porter des lunettes de protection !
Pour les travaux sur le compresseur après sa mise en
Le compresseur est sous pression !
Risque de blessures graves.
Évacuer la pression du compresseur !
Porter des lunettes de protection !
1 Введение
Эти холодильные компрессоры предназначены для
установки в машины согласно EC Machines Directive
2006/42/EC. Они могут быть введены в эксплуатацию
только в том случае, если они установлены в эти
машины в соответствии с настоящей инструкцией
и в комплексе удовлетворяют требованиям
соответствующих предписаний (применяемые нормы:
см. декларацию производителя).
Данные компрессоры изготовлены в соответствии
с современным уровнем развития техники и
действующими нормами технического регулирования.
Особое внимание уделено безопасности
Сохраняйте настоящую инструкцию в течение всего
срока эксплуатации компрессора.
1.1 Также соблюдайте требования следующей
технической документации:
SW-170: Интервалы проведения проверок и замены
для компактных винтовых компрессоров.
2 Безопасность
2.1 Специалисты, допускаемые к работе
Все работы на компрессорах и холодильных
системах имеет право осуществлять только
квалифицированный персонал, прошедший обучение
и инструктаж на все виды работ. Квалификация и
компетенция специалистов должны соответствовать
действующим в каждой отдельной стране
предписаниям и директивам.
2.2 Остаточная опасность
Компрессоры могут являться источниками неизбежной
остаточной опасности. Поэтому все работающие на
этом оборудовании должны внимательно изучить
данную инструкцию по эксплуатации!
Обязательные для соблюдения предписания:
• соответствующие правила техники безопасности и
нормы (напр., EN 378, EN 60204 и EN 60335),
• общие правила техники безопасности,
• предписания ЕС,
• национальные правила.
2.3 Указания по технике безопасности
это указания, направленные на предотвращение
опасных ситуаций. Указания по технике безопасности
следует соблюдать неукоснительно!
Указания по предотвращению ситуаций,
которые могут привести к возможному
повреждению оборудования.
Указания по предотвращению потенциально
опасных ситуаций, которые могут привести к
возможным легким травмам персонала.
Указания по предотвращению потенциально
опасных ситуаций, которые могут привести к
возможным серьезным травмам персонала
или смерти.
Указания по предотвращению опасных
ситуаций, приводящих к серьёзным травмам
персонала или смерти.
2.3.1 Общие указания по технике безопасности
Опасность выхода из строя компрессора!
Эксплуатация компрессора только с
предусмотренным направлением вращения!
В состоянии поставки
Компрессор наполнен защитным газом:
Избыточное давление от 0,2 до 0,5 bar.
Возможно повреждение кожных покровов и
Сбросьте давление в компрессоре!
Наденьте защитные очки!
При осуществлении работ на компрессоре после
того, как он был введён в эксплуатацию:
Компрессор находится под давлением!
Возможны тяжелые повреждения.
Сбросьте давление в компрессоре!
Наденьте защитные очки!
1 Introduction
These refrigeration compressors are intended for incor-
poration into refrigeration systems in accordance with
the 2006/42/EC Machinery Directive. They may only be
put into operation if they have been installed in the refri-
geration systems according to these Mounting/Operat-
ing Instructions and if the overall system complies with
the applicable legal provisions (applied standards: see
declaration of incorporation).
The compressors have been built in accordance with
state-of-the-art methods and current regulations. Partic-
ular importance was placed on user safety.
These Operating Instructions must be kept available
near the refrigeration system during the whole lifetime
of the compressor.
1.1 Also observe the following technical documents
SW-170: Checking and replacing intervals in compact
screw compressors.
2 Safety
2.1 Authorized staff
All work done on compressors and refrigeration sys-
tems may only be performed by qualified and author-
ized staff who have been trained and instructed accord-
ingly. The qualification and expert knowledge of the
personnel must correspond to the local regulations and
2.2 Residual risks
The compressor may present unavoidable residual
risks. That is why any person working on this device
must carefully read these Operating Instructions!
The following regulations shall apply:
• relevant safety regulations and standards (e.g.
EN 378, EN 60204 and EN 60335),
• generally accepted safety rules,
• EU directives,
• national regulations.
2.3 Safety references
are instructions intended to prevent hazards. Safety ref-
erences must be stringently observed!
Safety reference to avoid situations which may
result in damage to a device or its equipment.
Safety reference to avoid a potentially hazard-
ous situation which may result in minor or mod-
erate injury.
Safety reference to avoid a potentially hazard-
ous situation which could result in death or seri-
ous injury.
Safety reference to avoid an imminently hazard-
ous situation which may result in death or seri-
ous injury.
2.3.1 General safety references
Risk of compressor failure!
Operate the compressor only in the intended ro-
tation direction!
State of delivery
The compressor is filled with a holding charge:
Excess pressure 0.2 .. 0.5 bar.
Risk of injury to skin and eyes.
Depressurize the compressor!
Wear safety goggles!
1 Introduction
These refrigeration compressors are intended for incor-
poration into refrigeration systems in accordance with
the 2006/42/EC Machinery Directive. They may only be
put into operation if they have been installed in the refri-
geration systems according to these Mounting/Operat-
ing Instructions and if the overall system complies with
the applicable legal provisions (applied standards: see
declaration of incorporation).
The compressors have been built in accordance with
state-of-the-art methods and current regulations. Partic-
ular importance was placed on user safety.
These Operating Instructions must be kept available
near the refrigeration system during the whole lifetime
of the compressor.
1.1 Also observe the following technical documents
SW-170: Checking and replacing intervals in compact
screw compressors.
2 Safety
2.1 Authorized staff
All work done on compressors and refrigeration sys-
tems may only be performed by qualified and author-
ized staff who have been trained and instructed accord-
ingly. The qualification and expert knowledge of the
personnel must correspond to the local regulations and
2.2 Residual risks
The compressor may present unavoidable residual
risks. That is why any person working on this device
must carefully read these Operating Instructions!
The following regulations shall apply:
• relevant safety regulations and standards (e.g.
EN 378, EN 60204 and EN 60335),
• generally accepted safety rules,
• EU directives,
• national regulations.
2.3 Safety references
are instructions intended to prevent hazards. Safety ref-
erences must be stringently observed!
Safety reference to avoid situations which may
result in damage to a device or its equipment.
Safety reference to avoid a potentially hazard-
ous situation which may result in minor or mod-
erate injury.
Safety reference to avoid a potentially hazard-
ous situation which could result in death or seri-
ous injury.
Safety reference to avoid an imminently hazard-
ous situation which may result in death or seri-
ous injury.
2.3.1 General safety references
Risk of compressor failure!
Operate the compressor only in the intended ro-
tation direction!
State of delivery
The compressor is filled with a holding charge:
Excess pressure 0.2 .. 0.5 bar.
Risk of injury to skin and eyes.
Depressurize the compressor!
Wear safety goggles!
1 Introduction
These refrigeration compressors are intended for incor-
poration into refrigeration systems in accordance with
the 2006/42/EC Machinery Directive. They may only be
put into operation if they have been installed in the refri-
geration systems according to these Mounting/Operat-
ing Instructions and if the overall system complies with
the applicable legal provisions (applied standards: see
declaration of incorporation).
The compressors have been built in accordance with
state-of-the-art methods and current regulations. Partic-
ular importance was placed on user safety.
These Operating Instructions must be kept available
near the refrigeration system during the whole lifetime
of the compressor.
1.1 Also observe the following technical documents
SW-170: Checking and replacing intervals in compact
screw compressors.
2 Safety
2.1 Authorized staff
All work done on compressors and refrigeration sys-
tems may only be performed by qualified and author-
ized staff who have been trained and instructed accord-
ingly. The qualification and expert knowledge of the
personnel must correspond to the local regulations and
2.2 Residual risks
The compressor may present unavoidable residual
risks. That is why any person working on this device
must carefully read these Operating Instructions!
The following regulations shall apply:
• relevant safety regulations and standards (e.g.
EN 378, EN 60204 and EN 60335),
• generally accepted safety rules,
• EU directives,
• national regulations.
2.3 Safety references
are instructions intended to prevent hazards. Safety ref-
erences must be stringently observed!
Safety reference to avoid situations which may
result in damage to a device or its equipment.
Safety reference to avoid a potentially hazard-
ous situation which may result in minor or mod-
erate injury.
Safety reference to avoid a potentially hazard-
ous situation which could result in death or seri-
ous injury.
Safety reference to avoid an imminently hazard-
ous situation which may result in death or seri-
ous injury.
2.3.1 General safety references
Risk of compressor failure!
Operate the compressor only in the intended ro-
tation direction!
State of delivery
The compressor is filled with a holding charge:
Excess pressure 0.2 .. 0.5 bar.
Risk of injury to skin and eyes.
Depressurize the compressor!
Wear safety goggles!
1 Introduction
These refrigeration compressors are intended for incor-
poration into refrigeration systems in accordance with
the 2006/42/EC Machinery Directive. They may only be
put into operation if they have been installed in the refri-
geration systems according to these Mounting/Operat-
ing Instructions and if the overall system complies with
the applicable legal provisions (applied standards: see
declaration of incorporation).
The compressors have been built in accordance with
state-of-the-art methods and current regulations. Partic-
ular importance was placed on user safety.
These Operating Instructions must be kept available
near the refrigeration system during the whole lifetime
of the compressor.
1.1 Also observe the following technical documents
SW-170: Checking and replacing intervals in compact
screw compressors.
2 Safety
2.1 Authorized staff
All work done on compressors and refrigeration sys-
tems may only be performed by qualified and author-
ized staff who have been trained and instructed accord-
ingly. The qualification and expert knowledge of the
personnel must correspond to the local regulations and
2.2 Residual risks
The compressor may present unavoidable residual
risks. That is why any person working on this device
must carefully read these Operating Instructions!
The following regulations shall apply:
• relevant safety regulations and standards (e.g.
EN 378, EN 60204 and EN 60335),
• generally accepted safety rules,
• EU directives,
• national regulations.
2.3 Safety references
are instructions intended to prevent hazards. Safety ref-
erences must be stringently observed!
Safety reference to avoid situations which may
result in damage to a device or its equipment.
Safety reference to avoid a potentially hazard-
ous situation which may result in minor or mod-
erate injury.
Safety reference to avoid a potentially hazard-
ous situation which could result in death or seri-
ous injury.
Safety reference to avoid an imminently hazard-
ous situation which may result in death or seri-
ous injury.
2.3.1 General safety references
Risk of compressor failure!
Operate the compressor only in the intended ro-
tation direction!
State of delivery
The compressor is filled with a holding charge:
Excess pressure 0.2 .. 0.5 bar.
Risk of injury to skin and eyes.
Depressurize the compressor!
Wear safety goggles!
1 Introduction
These refrigeration compressors are intended for incor-
poration into refrigeration systems in accordance with
the 2006/42/EC Machinery Directive. They may only be
put into operation if they have been installed in the refri-
geration systems according to these Mounting/Operat-
ing Instructions and if the overall system complies with
the applicable legal provisions (applied standards: see
declaration of incorporation).
The compressors have been built in accordance with
state-of-the-art methods and current regulations. Partic-
ular importance was placed on user safety.
These Operating Instructions must be kept available
near the refrigeration system during the whole lifetime
of the compressor.
1.1 Also observe the following technical documents
SW-170: Checking and replacing intervals in compact
screw compressors.
2 Safety
2.1 Authorized staff
All work done on compressors and refrigeration sys-
tems may only be performed by qualified and author-
ized staff who have been trained and instructed accord-
ingly. The qualification and expert knowledge of the
personnel must correspond to the local regulations and
2.2 Residual risks
The compressor may present unavoidable residual
risks. That is why any person working on this device
must carefully read these Operating Instructions!
The following regulations shall apply:
• relevant safety regulations and standards (e.g.
EN 378, EN 60204 and EN 60335),
• generally accepted safety rules,
• EU directives,
• national regulations.
2.3 Safety references
are instructions intended to prevent hazards. Safety ref-
erences must be stringently observed!
Safety reference to avoid situations which may
result in damage to a device or its equipment.
Safety reference to avoid a potentially hazard-
ous situation which may result in minor or mod-
erate injury.
Safety reference to avoid a potentially hazard-
ous situation which could result in death or seri-
ous injury.
Safety reference to avoid an imminently hazard-
ous situation which may result in death or seri-
ous injury.
2.3.1 General safety references
Risk of compressor failure!
Operate the compressor only in the intended ro-
tation direction!
State of delivery
The compressor is filled with a holding charge:
Excess pressure 0.2 .. 0.5 bar.
Risk of injury to skin and eyes.
Depressurize the compressor!
Wear safety goggles!
1 Introduction
These refrigeration compressors are intended for incor-
poration into refrigeration systems in accordance with
the 2006/42/EC Machinery Directive. They may only be
put into operation if they have been installed in the refri-
geration systems according to these Mounting/Operat-
ing Instructions and if the overall system complies with
the applicable legal provisions (applied standards: see
declaration of incorporation).
The compressors have been built in accordance with
state-of-the-art methods and current regulations. Partic-
ular importance was placed on user safety.
These Operating Instructions must be kept available
near the refrigeration system during the whole lifetime
of the compressor.
1.1 Also observe the following technical documents
SW-170: Checking and replacing intervals in compact
screw compressors.
2 Safety
2.1 Authorized staff
All work done on compressors and refrigeration sys-
tems may only be performed by qualified and author-
ized staff who have been trained and instructed accord-
ingly. The qualification and expert knowledge of the
personnel must correspond to the local regulations and
2.2 Residual risks
The compressor may present unavoidable residual
risks. That is why any person working on this device
must carefully read these Operating Instructions!
The following regulations shall apply:
• relevant safety regulations and standards (e.g.
EN 378, EN 60204 and EN 60335),
• generally accepted safety rules,
• EU directives,
• national regulations.
2.3 Safety references
are instructions intended to prevent hazards. Safety ref-
erences must be stringently observed!
Safety reference to avoid situations which may
result in damage to a device or its equipment.
Safety reference to avoid a potentially hazard-
ous situation which may result in minor or mod-
erate injury.
Safety reference to avoid a potentially hazard-
ous situation which could result in death or seri-
ous injury.
Safety reference to avoid an imminently hazard-
ous situation which may result in death or seri-
ous injury.
2.3.1 General safety references
Risk of compressor failure!
Operate the compressor only in the intended ro-
tation direction!
State of delivery
The compressor is filled with a holding charge:
Excess pressure 0.2 .. 0.5 bar.
Risk of injury to skin and eyes.
Depressurize the compressor!
Wear safety goggles!
1 Introduction
These refrigeration compressors are intended for incor-
poration into refrigeration systems in accordance with
the 2006/42/EC Machinery Directive. They may only be
put into operation if they have been installed in the refri-
geration systems according to these Mounting/Operat-
ing Instructions and if the overall system complies with
the applicable legal provisions (applied standards: see
declaration of incorporation).
The compressors have been built in accordance with
state-of-the-art methods and current regulations. Partic-
ular importance was placed on user safety.
These Operating Instructions must be kept available
near the refrigeration system during the whole lifetime
of the compressor.
1.1 Also observe the following technical documents
SW-170: Checking and replacing intervals in compact
screw compressors.
2 Safety
2.1 Authorized staff
All work done on compressors and refrigeration sys-
tems may only be performed by qualified and author-
ized staff who have been trained and instructed accord-
ingly. The qualification and expert knowledge of the
personnel must correspond to the local regulations and
2.2 Residual risks
The compressor may present unavoidable residual
risks. That is why any person working on this device
must carefully read these Operating Instructions!
The following regulations shall apply:
• relevant safety regulations and standards (e.g.
EN 378, EN 60204 and EN 60335),
• generally accepted safety rules,
• EU directives,
• national regulations.
2.3 Safety references
are instructions intended to prevent hazards. Safety ref-
erences must be stringently observed!
Safety reference to avoid situations which may
result in damage to a device or its equipment.
Safety reference to avoid a potentially hazard-
ous situation which may result in minor or mod-
erate injury.
Safety reference to avoid a potentially hazard-
ous situation which could result in death or seri-
ous injury.
Safety reference to avoid an imminently hazard-
ous situation which may result in death or seri-
ous injury.
2.3.1 General safety references
Risk of compressor failure!
Operate the compressor only in the intended ro-
tation direction!
State of delivery
The compressor is filled with a holding charge:
Excess pressure 0.2 .. 0.5 bar.
Risk of injury to skin and eyes.
Depressurize the compressor!
Wear safety goggles!
1 Introduction
These refrigeration compressors are intended for incor-
poration into refrigeration systems in accordance with
the 2006/42/EC Machinery Directive. They may only be
put into operation if they have been installed in the refri-
geration systems according to these Mounting/Operat-
ing Instructions and if the overall system complies with
the applicable legal provisions (applied standards: see
declaration of incorporation).
The compressors have been built in accordance with
state-of-the-art methods and current regulations. Partic-
ular importance was placed on user safety.
These Operating Instructions must be kept available
near the refrigeration system during the whole lifetime
of the compressor.
1.1 Also observe the following technical documents
SW-170: Checking and replacing intervals in compact
screw compressors.
2 Safety
2.1 Authorized staff
All work done on compressors and refrigeration sys-
tems may only be performed by qualified and author-
ized staff who have been trained and instructed accord-
ingly. The qualification and expert knowledge of the
personnel must correspond to the local regulations and
2.2 Residual risks
The compressor may present unavoidable residual
risks. That is why any person working on this device
must carefully read these Operating Instructions!
The following regulations shall apply:
• relevant safety regulations and standards (e.g.
EN 378, EN 60204 and EN 60335),
• generally accepted safety rules,
• EU directives,
• national regulations.
2.3 Safety references
are instructions intended to prevent hazards. Safety ref-
erences must be stringently observed!
Safety reference to avoid situations which may
result in damage to a device or its equipment.
Safety reference to avoid a potentially hazard-
ous situation which may result in minor or mod-
erate injury.
Safety reference to avoid a potentially hazard-
ous situation which could result in death or seri-
ous injury.
Safety reference to avoid an imminently hazard-
ous situation which may result in death or seri-
ous injury.
2.3.1 General safety references
Risk of compressor failure!
Operate the compressor only in the intended ro-
tation direction!
State of delivery
The compressor is filled with a holding charge:
Excess pressure 0.2 .. 0.5 bar.
Risk of injury to skin and eyes.
Depressurize the compressor!
Wear safety goggles!
For work on the compressor once it has been
The compressor is under pressure!
Serious injuries are possible.
Depressurize the compressor!
Wear safety goggles!
Surface temperatures of more than 60°C or be-
low 0°C.
Risk of burns or frostbite.
Close off accessible areas and mark them.
Before performing any work on the compressor:
switch it off and let it cool down.
For work on the electrical and/or electronic system
Risk of electric shock!
Before working on the terminal box, module
housing and electrical lines: Switch off the main
switch and secure it against being switched on
Close the terminal box and the module housing
before switching on again!
The compressor module may be damaged or
Never apply any voltage to the terminals of CN7
to CN12 – not even for test purposes!
The voltage applied to the terminals of CN13
must not exceed 10 V!
The voltage applied to terminal 3 of CN14 must
not exceed 24 V! Do no apply voltage to the
other terminals!
3 Application ranges
Permitted refrigerants
(other refrigerants on request)
CSH65 .. CSH95, CSW65 ..
R134a, R407C, R450A, R513A,
R1234yf, R1234ze(E)
CSW105: R134a, R450A,
R513A, R1234yf
CSH76 .. CSH96:
R134a, R450A,
R513A, R1234yf,
CSH65 .. CSH95,
CSW65 .. CSW95,
Oil charge
Application limits
CSH: see brochure SP-171 and BITZER SOFTWARE
CSW: see brochure SP-172 and BITZER SOFTWARE
Tab. 1: Application ranges of CS. compressors
The use of R404A and R507A and other refrigerant
blends requires individual consultation with BITZER.
Application limit for CSK61
CSK61 compressors are only approved for use with
R22 refrigerant, without ECO and LI. The application
limit goes down to -10°C. Above this value, the applica-
tion limit corresponds to that for CSH65 compressors
with R22 refrigerant.
Risk of bursting due to counterfeit refrigerants!
Serious injuries are possible!
Purchase refrigerants only from reputable man-
ufacturers and reliable distributors!
Risk of air penetration during operation in the vacuum
Potential chemical reactions as well as in-
creased condensing pressure and rise in dis-
charge gas temperature.
Avoid air penetration!
A critical shift of the refrigerant ignition limit is
Avoid air penetration!