SB-170-9 RUS
5.4.2 CM-SW-01
Standard for all CSW105 compressors
The compressor module integrates the entire electronic
periphery of the compressor: It allows monitoring the
essential operating parameters of the compressor: mo-
tor and discharge gas temperature, phase and rotation
direction monitoring, oil supply and application limits
and thus protects the compressor from operation under
critical conditions. For further information, see Tech-
nical Information ST-150.
The compressor module may be damaged or
Never apply any voltage to the terminals of CN7
to CN12 – not even for test purposes!
The voltage applied to the terminals of CN13
must not exceed 10 V!
The voltage applied to terminal 3 of CN14 must
not exceed 24 V! Do no apply voltage to the
other terminals!
The following components are completely installed and
wired in the state of delivery:
• Slider position indicator.
• Oil monitoring (OLC-D1).
• Solenoid valves for capacity control and V
• Discharge gas temperature sensor.
• Low pressure and high pressure transmitter.
Modification to these components or their wiring is not
required and should not be done without consulting
The following components are not installed and wired in
the state of delivery and need to be connected:
• Motor temperature monitoring (PTC sensor in motor
• Phase monitoring (in case of a phase failure or inad-
missibly high phase asymmetry).
The compressor module internally supplies voltage to
the peripheral devices (solenoid valves, oil monitoring
device and slider position indicator) and to the terminal
strips CN7 to CN12.
Please refer to the Technical Information ST-150 for in-
formation on all connections.
5.4.3 SE-i1
This protection device with extended monitoring func-
tions can be used as an option for all HS.53 .. HS.85
compressors and CSH and CSW compressors.
Monitoring functions:
• Temperature monitoring.
• Monitoring of the PTC control circuit to detect any
short-circuit or line break/sensor failure.
• Rotation direction monitoring.
• Monitoring of phase failure and asymmetry.
• Monitoring of the maximum cycling rate.
For further information, see Technical Information
5.4.4 SE-E2
Optional protection device for operation with frequency
inverter and soft starter (for a ramp time shorter than
1 s).
• Dimensions and integration in the control identical to
• Suitable for all CS. compressors.
• Monitoring functions are basically identical to those
of SE-E1. However, the SE-E2 monitors phase fail-
ure during the entire running time of the compressor.
For further information, see Technical Information
5.4.5 Monitoring of the oil circuit
• For short circuits without liquid injection (LI) for addi-
tional cooling and for small system volume and small
refrigerant charge: Indirect monitoring with oil tem-
perature sensor (standard)
Lack of oil leads to a too high increase in tem-
Risk of damage to the compressor!
• For circuits with liquid injection (LI) for additional
cooling and / or for great system volume as well as
parallel compounding: Monitor oil level directly with
opto-electronic oil level monitoring (option), see
chapter Opto-electronic oil level monitoring OLC-D1-
S, page 26. The connection is on the compressor
housing, see chapter Connections and dimensional
drawings, page 14, position 8.
En cas de grandes quantités d'huile dans le cir-
cuit frigorifique : Risque de coup de liquide au
démarrage du compresseur !
Maintenir le niveau d'huile dans la zone mar-
quée du voyant !
En cas de remplacement d’un compresseur à piston :
• Retirer entièrement l’huile de l’installation. La nou-
velle huile n’affiche pas seulement une viscosité plus
élevée. C’est une huile ester aux caractéristiques
chimiques et physiques différentes.
Risque d'endommagement du compresseur !
La nouvelle huile a une importante fonction de
nettoyage du circuit frigorifique.
Monter sur le côté d'aspiration un filtre de net-
toyage adéquat pour un fonctionnement bidirec-
tionnel !
Taille des mailles : 25 µm
• Monter le filtre métallique perforé intérieur et exté-
rieur pour fonctionnement bidirectionnel.
• Après quelques heures de fonctionnement : Rempla-
cer l’huile et le filtre de nettoyage.
• Le cas échéant, répéter l’opération, voir chapitre
Remplacement de l'huile, page 98.
6.6 Démarrage du compresseur
6.6.1 Contrôler le sens de rotation
Risque de défaillance de compresseur !
N'utiliser le compresseur que dans le sens de
rotation prescrit !
Malgré le contrôle d'ordre des phases par le dispositif
de protection SE-E1 ou par le dispositif de protection
optionnel SE-i1, un test est recommandé :
Contrôle de sens de rotation avec vanne d'arrêt d'aspi-
ration montée :
• Raccorder le manomètre à la vanne d'arrêt d'aspira-
tion. Fermer la tige de vanne et rouvrir d'un tour.
• Mettre le compresseur en marche pour un court ins-
tant (env. 0,5 .. 1 s).
• Sens de rotation correct : La pression d'aspiration di-
minue immédiatement.
• Sens de rotation incorrect : La pression d'aspiration
croît ou le dispositif de protection s'arrête.
• Sens de rotation incorrect : Modifier la polarisation
des bornes dans la conduite d'amenée commune.
Contrôle de sens de rotation sans vanne d'arrêt d'aspi-
ration :
• Fermer les vannes magnétiques de l'évaporateur et
de l'économiseur. Les changements de pression me-
surés dans ce cas sont bien plus faibles qu'avec une
vanne d'arrêt d'aspiration étranglée !
• Mettre le compresseur en marche pour un court ins-
tant (env. 0,5 .. 1 s).
• Sens de rotation correct : La pression d'aspiration di-
minue légèrement.
• Sens de rotation incorrect : La pression d'aspiration
reste identique, croît ou le dispositif de protection
• Sens de rotation incorrect : Modifier la polarisation
des bornes dans la conduite d'amenée commune.
Après le contrôle du sens de rotation :
• Démarrer le compresseur et ouvrir lentement les
vannes d'arrêt d'aspiration.
6.6.2 Lubrification / contrôle de l’huile
• Contrôler la lubrification tout de suite après le dé-
marrage du compresseur.
Le niveau d'huile doit être visible dans la zone des
deux voyants.
• Contrôler régulièrement le niveau d'huile au cours
des premières heures de fonctionnement !
Durant la phase de démarrage, de la mousse d'huile
peut se former, mais cela devrait diminuer en condi-
tions de fonctionnement stable. Dans le cas contraire,
un haut niveau de liquide dans le gaz d'aspiration est
Risque de fonctionnement en noyé !
Maintenir la température du gaz de refoulement
largement au-dessus de celle de condensation :
au moins 20 K.
Au moins 30 K pour R407A, R407F et R22.
Risque de défaillance du compresseur par des
coups de liquide.
Avant de remplir avec une grande quantité
d'huile : contrôler le retour d'huile !
При большом количестве масла в контуре при
запуске компрессора существует опасность
гидравлического удара!
Уровень масла поддерживайте в пределах
отметок на смотровом стекле!
В случае если производится замена поршневого
• Полностью удалите масло из системы. Новое
масло не только имеет более высокую вязкость.
Это полиэфирное масло с другими химическими и
физическими свойствами.
Опасность повреждения компрессора!
Новое масло является высокоэффективным
очистителем холодильного контура.
На стороне всасывания установите фильтр
очиститель, пригодный для работы с любым
направлением потока! Размер ячеек: 25 μm.
• Используйте фильтр с перфорированными металл.
обечайками, огибающими внутренний и наружный
диаметр фильтрующего элемента - пригодный для
работы с любым направлением потока.
• После нескольких часов работы: замените масло и
фильтр очиститель.
• Повторите процедуру, если это необходимо,
смотрите главу Замена масла, страница 98.
6.5 Checks prior to compressor start
• Oil level (between the middle of the lower sight glass
and the upper area of the upper sight glass).
• During compressor start, oil temperature must be at
least 20°C and 20 K above ambient temperature –
that means approximately (at least) 15 K at the
measuring point directly under the oil sight glass.
• Setting and functions of safety and protection
• Setpoints of the time relays.
• Cut-out pressures of the high-pressure and low-pres-
sure switches.
• Check if the shut-off valves are opened.
In case of compressor replacement
Oil is already in the circuit. It may therefore be neces-
sary to drain off some oil.
In case of larger oil quantities in the refrigerant
circuit: Risk of liquid slugging when the com-
pressor starts!
Maintain the oil level within the marked sight
glass area!
When a reciprocating compressor is replaced:
• Completely remove the oil from the system. The new
oil is not only more viscous. It is an ester oil with dif-
ferent chemical and physical properties.
Risk of damage to the compressor!
The new oil has a great cleaning effect in the re-
frigerant circuit.
On the suction side, mount a cleaning filter suit-
able for bidirectional operation!
Mesh size: 25 µm
• Mount a filter for bidirectional operation with perfor-
ated metal tubes around the inside and outside dia-
meter of the filter element.
• After several operating hours: Change the oil filters
and cleaning filters.
• If needed, repeat the operation, see chapter Oil
change, page 31.
6.6 Compressor start
6.6.1 Checking the rotation direction
Risk of compressor failure!
Operate the compressor only in the intended ro-
tation direction!
Even if the protection device SE-E1 or the optional pro-
tection device SE-i1 monitors the rotating field, a test is
Rotation direction test with integrated suction shut-off
• Connect the pressure gauge to the suction shut-off
valve. Close the valve spindle and open again by
one turn.
• Let the compressor start shortly (approximately 0.5 ..
1 s).
• Correct rotation direction: Suction pressure drops im-
• Incorrect rotation direction: Suction pressure in-
creases or protection device shuts off.
• Incorrect rotation direction: Change the poles of the
terminals on the common feed line.
Direction rotation test without suction shut-off valve:
• Close the solenoid valves on the evaporator and the
economiser. The pressure changes measured in
such a case are much lower than with throttled suc-
tion shut-off valve!
• Let the compressor start shortly (approximately 0.5 ..
1 s).
• Correct rotation direction: Suction pressure drops a
• Incorrect rotation direction: Suction pressure stays
the same or increases a bit, or protection device
shuts off.
• Incorrect rotation direction: Change the poles of the
terminals on the common feed line.
After the rotation direction test:
• Let the compressor start while opening slowly the
suction shut-off valve.
6.5 Checks prior to compressor start
• Oil level (between the middle of the lower sight glass
and the upper area of the upper sight glass).
• During compressor start, oil temperature must be at
least 20°C and 20 K above ambient temperature –
that means approximately (at least) 15 K at the
measuring point directly under the oil sight glass.
• Setting and functions of safety and protection
• Setpoints of the time relays.
• Cut-out pressures of the high-pressure and low-pres-
sure switches.
• Check if the shut-off valves are opened.
In case of compressor replacement
Oil is already in the circuit. It may therefore be neces-
sary to drain off some oil.
In case of larger oil quantities in the refrigerant
circuit: Risk of liquid slugging when the com-
pressor starts!
Maintain the oil level within the marked sight
glass area!
When a reciprocating compressor is replaced:
• Completely remove the oil from the system. The new
oil is not only more viscous. It is an ester oil with dif-
ferent chemical and physical properties.
Risk of damage to the compressor!
The new oil has a great cleaning effect in the re-
frigerant circuit.
On the suction side, mount a cleaning filter suit-
able for bidirectional operation!
Mesh size: 25 µm
• Mount a filter for bidirectional operation with perfor-
ated metal tubes around the inside and outside dia-
meter of the filter element.
• After several operating hours: Change the oil filters
and cleaning filters.
• If needed, repeat the operation, see chapter Oil
change, page 31.
6.6 Compressor start
6.6.1 Checking the rotation direction
Risk of compressor failure!
Operate the compressor only in the intended ro-
tation direction!
Even if the protection device SE-E1 or the optional pro-
tection device SE-i1 monitors the rotating field, a test is
Rotation direction test with integrated suction shut-off
• Connect the pressure gauge to the suction shut-off
valve. Close the valve spindle and open again by
one turn.
• Let the compressor start shortly (approximately 0.5 ..
1 s).
• Correct rotation direction: Suction pressure drops im-
• Incorrect rotation direction: Suction pressure in-
creases or protection device shuts off.
• Incorrect rotation direction: Change the poles of the
terminals on the common feed line.
Direction rotation test without suction shut-off valve:
• Close the solenoid valves on the evaporator and the
economiser. The pressure changes measured in
such a case are much lower than with throttled suc-
tion shut-off valve!
• Let the compressor start shortly (approximately 0.5 ..
1 s).
• Correct rotation direction: Suction pressure drops a
• Incorrect rotation direction: Suction pressure stays
the same or increases a bit, or protection device
shuts off.
• Incorrect rotation direction: Change the poles of the
terminals on the common feed line.
After the rotation direction test:
• Let the compressor start while opening slowly the
suction shut-off valve.
6.6 Запуск компрессора
6.6.1 Проверка направления вращения
Опасность выхода из строя компрессора!
Эксплуатация компрессора только с
предусмотренным направлением вращения!
Несмотря на контроль вращающегося поля посредством
защитного устройства SE-E1 или опционального
защитного устройства SE-i1, рекомендуется провести
следующее испытание:
Проверка правильности направления вращения при
наличии смонтированного запорного клапана на
• Присоедините манометр к запорному клапану на
всасывании. Закройте шпиндель клапана и снова
откройте, осуществив один оборот.
• Запустите компрессор на короткое время (прим. 0,5 ..
1 сек.).
• Правильное направление вращения: Давление
всасывания должно немедленно упасть.
6.5 Checks prior to compressor start
• Oil level (between the middle of the lower sight glass
and the upper area of the upper sight glass).
• During compressor start, oil temperature must be at
least 20°C and 20 K above ambient temperature –
that means approximately (at least) 15 K at the
measuring point directly under the oil sight glass.
• Setting and functions of safety and protection
• Setpoints of the time relays.
• Cut-out pressures of the high-pressure and low-pres-
sure switches.
• Check if the shut-off valves are opened.
In case of compressor replacement
Oil is already in the circuit. It may therefore be neces-
sary to drain off some oil.
In case of larger oil quantities in the refrigerant
circuit: Risk of liquid slugging when the com-
pressor starts!
Maintain the oil level within the marked sight
glass area!
When a reciprocating compressor is replaced:
• Completely remove the oil from the system. The new
oil is not only more viscous. It is an ester oil with dif-
ferent chemical and physical properties.
Risk of damage to the compressor!
The new oil has a great cleaning effect in the re-
frigerant circuit.
On the suction side, mount a cleaning filter suit-
able for bidirectional operation!
Mesh size: 25 µm
• Mount a filter for bidirectional operation with perfor-
ated metal tubes around the inside and outside dia-
meter of the filter element.
• After several operating hours: Change the oil filters
and cleaning filters.
• If needed, repeat the operation, see chapter Oil
change, page 31.
6.6 Compressor start
6.6.1 Checking the rotation direction
Risk of compressor failure!
Operate the compressor only in the intended ro-
tation direction!
Even if the protection device SE-E1 or the optional pro-
tection device SE-i1 monitors the rotating field, a test is
Rotation direction test with integrated suction shut-off
• Connect the pressure gauge to the suction shut-off
valve. Close the valve spindle and open again by
one turn.
• Let the compressor start shortly (approximately 0.5 ..
1 s).
• Correct rotation direction: Suction pressure drops im-
• Incorrect rotation direction: Suction pressure in-
creases or protection device shuts off.
• Incorrect rotation direction: Change the poles of the
terminals on the common feed line.
Direction rotation test without suction shut-off valve:
• Close the solenoid valves on the evaporator and the
economiser. The pressure changes measured in
such a case are much lower than with throttled suc-
tion shut-off valve!
• Let the compressor start shortly (approximately 0.5 ..
1 s).
• Correct rotation direction: Suction pressure drops a
• Incorrect rotation direction: Suction pressure stays
the same or increases a bit, or protection device
shuts off.
• Incorrect rotation direction: Change the poles of the
terminals on the common feed line.
After the rotation direction test:
• Let the compressor start while opening slowly the
suction shut-off valve.
6.5 Checks prior to compressor start
• Oil level (between the middle of the lower sight glass
and the upper area of the upper sight glass).
• During compressor start, oil temperature must be at
least 20°C and 20 K above ambient temperature –
that means approximately (at least) 15 K at the
measuring point directly under the oil sight glass.
• Setting and functions of safety and protection
• Setpoints of the time relays.
• Cut-out pressures of the high-pressure and low-pres-
sure switches.
• Check if the shut-off valves are opened.
In case of compressor replacement
Oil is already in the circuit. It may therefore be neces-
sary to drain off some oil.
In case of larger oil quantities in the refrigerant
circuit: Risk of liquid slugging when the com-
pressor starts!
Maintain the oil level within the marked sight
glass area!
When a reciprocating compressor is replaced:
• Completely remove the oil from the system. The new
oil is not only more viscous. It is an ester oil with dif-
ferent chemical and physical properties.
Risk of damage to the compressor!
The new oil has a great cleaning effect in the re-
frigerant circuit.
On the suction side, mount a cleaning filter suit-
able for bidirectional operation!
Mesh size: 25 µm
• Mount a filter for bidirectional operation with perfor-
ated metal tubes around the inside and outside dia-
meter of the filter element.
• After several operating hours: Change the oil filters
and cleaning filters.
• If needed, repeat the operation, see chapter Oil
change, page 31.
6.6 Compressor start
6.6.1 Checking the rotation direction
Risk of compressor failure!
Operate the compressor only in the intended ro-
tation direction!
Even if the protection device SE-E1 or the optional pro-
tection device SE-i1 monitors the rotating field, a test is
Rotation direction test with integrated suction shut-off
• Connect the pressure gauge to the suction shut-off
valve. Close the valve spindle and open again by
one turn.
• Let the compressor start shortly (approximately 0.5 ..
1 s).
• Correct rotation direction: Suction pressure drops im-
• Incorrect rotation direction: Suction pressure in-
creases or protection device shuts off.
• Incorrect rotation direction: Change the poles of the
terminals on the common feed line.
Direction rotation test without suction shut-off valve:
• Close the solenoid valves on the evaporator and the
economiser. The pressure changes measured in
such a case are much lower than with throttled suc-
tion shut-off valve!
• Let the compressor start shortly (approximately 0.5 ..
1 s).
• Correct rotation direction: Suction pressure drops a
• Incorrect rotation direction: Suction pressure stays
the same or increases a bit, or protection device
shuts off.
• Incorrect rotation direction: Change the poles of the
terminals on the common feed line.
After the rotation direction test:
• Let the compressor start while opening slowly the
suction shut-off valve.
• Неправильное направление вращения: Давление
всасывания растёт или срабатывает защитное
• Неправильное направление вращения: Поменяйте
местами подключение проводов питания на двух
соседних клеммах.
Проверка правильности направления вращения без
запорного клапана на всасывании:
• Закройте электромагнитные клапаны (испаритель и
• Запустите компрессор на короткое время (прим., 0.5 ..
1 сек.).
• Правильное направление вращения: Давление
всасывания немного понизится.
• Неправильное направление вращения: Давление
всасывания не изменяется, чуть повышается или
срабатывает защитное устройство.
• Неправильное направление вращения: Поменяйте
местами подключение проводов питания на двух
соседних клеммах.
После проверки правильности направления вращения:
• Запустите компрессор, медленно открывая запорный
клапан на всасывании.
6.6.2 Смазка/контроль масла
• Сразу после запуска проверьте работу системы
смазки компрессора.
Уровень масла должен быть виден в зоне обоих
смотровых стёкол.
• В первые часы работы компрессора проверьте
уровень масла снова!
Во время запуска может образовываться масляная
пена, которая должна уменьшиться при выходе на
стабильный режим работы. Если она не уменьшается,
то это может указывать на избыточное содержание
жидкого хладагента во всасываемом газе.
Опасность влажного хода!
Температура нагнетания должна быть
значительно выше температуры конденсации:
как минимум на 20 K. При использовании
хладагентов R407A, R407F и R22 - как минимум
на 30 K.
Опасность гидравлического удара!
Прежде чем осуществлять дозаправку большого
количества масла: проверьте систему возврата
6.6.2 Lubrication/oil level monitoring
• Check the lubrication of the compressor directly after
the compressor start.
The oil level must be visible in the zone of both sight
• Check the oil level repeatedly within the first hours of
During the start phase, oil foam may arise but its level
should decrease at stable operating conditions. Other-
wise high proportions of liquid in the suction gas are
Risk of wet operation!
Maintain the discharge gas temperature well
above the condensing temperature: at least
20 K.
At least 30 K for R407A, R407F and R22.
Risk of compressor failure due to liquid slug-
Before adding larger quantities of oil: check the
oil return!
6.6.3 Set high pressure and low pressure switches
(HP + LP)
Check exactly the cut-in and cut-out pressure values
according to the operating limits by testing them.
6.6.4 Set the condenser pressure
• Set the condenser pressure so that the minimum
pressure difference is reached within 20 s after the
compressor start.
• Avoid quick pressure reduction with finely stepped
pressure control.
Application limits, see BITZER SOFTWARE, manual
SH-170 and brochure SP-171 (CSH) / SP-172 (CSW).
6.6.5 Vibrations and frequencies
Check the system carefully to detect any abnormal vi-
bration, check particularly pipelines and capillary tubes.
In case of strong vibrations, take mechanical meas-
ures: e.g. use pipe clamps or install vibration dampers.
Risk of burst pipes and leakages on the com-
pressor and system components!
Avoid strong vibrations!
6.6.6 Checking the operating data
• Evaporation temperature
• Suction gas temperature
• Condensing temperature
• Discharge gas temperature
– min. 20 K above condensing temperature
– min. 30 K above condensing temperature for
R407C, R407F and R22
– max. 120°C on the outside of the discharge gas
• Oil temperature directly under the oil sight glass
• Cycling rate
• Current values
• Voltage
• Prepare data protocol.
Application limits, see BITZER SOFTWARE, manual
SH-170 and brochure SP-171 (CSH) / SP-172 (CSW).
6.6.2 Lubrication/oil level monitoring
• Check the lubrication of the compressor directly after
the compressor start.
The oil level must be visible in the zone of both sight
• Check the oil level repeatedly within the first hours of
During the start phase, oil foam may arise but its level
should decrease at stable operating conditions. Other-
wise high proportions of liquid in the suction gas are
Risk of wet operation!
Maintain the discharge gas temperature well
above the condensing temperature: at least
20 K.
At least 30 K for R407A, R407F and R22.
Risk of compressor failure due to liquid slug-
Before adding larger quantities of oil: check the
oil return!
6.6.3 Set high pressure and low pressure switches
(HP + LP)
Check exactly the cut-in and cut-out pressure values
according to the operating limits by testing them.
6.6.4 Set the condenser pressure
• Set the condenser pressure so that the minimum
pressure difference is reached within 20 s after the
compressor start.
• Avoid quick pressure reduction with finely stepped
pressure control.
Application limits, see BITZER SOFTWARE, manual
SH-170 and brochure SP-171 (CSH) / SP-172 (CSW).
6.6.5 Vibrations and frequencies
Check the system carefully to detect any abnormal vi-
bration, check particularly pipelines and capillary tubes.
In case of strong vibrations, take mechanical meas-
ures: e.g. use pipe clamps or install vibration dampers.
Risk of burst pipes and leakages on the com-
pressor and system components!
Avoid strong vibrations!
6.6.6 Checking the operating data
• Evaporation temperature
• Suction gas temperature
• Condensing temperature
• Discharge gas temperature
– min. 20 K above condensing temperature
– min. 30 K above condensing temperature for
R407C, R407F and R22
– max. 120°C on the outside of the discharge gas
• Oil temperature directly under the oil sight glass
• Cycling rate
• Current values
• Voltage
• Prepare data protocol.
Application limits, see BITZER SOFTWARE, manual
SH-170 and brochure SP-171 (CSH) / SP-172 (CSW).
6.6.2 Lubrication/oil level monitoring
• Check the lubrication of the compressor directly after
the compressor start.
The oil level must be visible in the zone of both sight
• Check the oil level repeatedly within the first hours of
During the start phase, oil foam may arise but its level
should decrease at stable operating conditions. Other-
wise high proportions of liquid in the suction gas are
Risk of wet operation!
Maintain the discharge gas temperature well
above the condensing temperature: at least
20 K.
At least 30 K for R407A, R407F and R22.
Risk of compressor failure due to liquid slug-
Before adding larger quantities of oil: check the
oil return!
6.6.3 Set high pressure and low pressure switches
(HP + LP)
Check exactly the cut-in and cut-out pressure values
according to the operating limits by testing them.
6.6.4 Set the condenser pressure
• Set the condenser pressure so that the minimum
pressure difference is reached within 20 s after the
compressor start.
• Avoid quick pressure reduction with finely stepped
pressure control.
Application limits, see BITZER SOFTWARE, manual
SH-170 and brochure SP-171 (CSH) / SP-172 (CSW).
6.6.5 Vibrations and frequencies
Check the system carefully to detect any abnormal vi-
bration, check particularly pipelines and capillary tubes.
In case of strong vibrations, take mechanical meas-
ures: e.g. use pipe clamps or install vibration dampers.
Risk of burst pipes and leakages on the com-
pressor and system components!
Avoid strong vibrations!
6.6.6 Checking the operating data
• Evaporation temperature
• Suction gas temperature
• Condensing temperature
• Discharge gas temperature
– min. 20 K above condensing temperature
– min. 30 K above condensing temperature for
R407C, R407F and R22
– max. 120°C on the outside of the discharge gas
• Oil temperature directly under the oil sight glass
• Cycling rate
• Current values
• Voltage
• Prepare data protocol.
Application limits, see BITZER SOFTWARE, manual
SH-170 and brochure SP-171 (CSH) / SP-172 (CSW).