VisiPC Software Manual Part 1 – Visilynx 3 Configurator
INS00231 Issue 4 Page 11 of 88
Use this command to save the current configuration to its current name and directory. When
you save a document for the first time, Visilynx 3 configuration displays the ‘Save As…’
Dialog Box so you can name your document. If you want to change the name and directory
of an existing document before you save it, choose the ‘Save As…
3.1.4 Save As… Command
Shortcut keys:
This command allows you to specify the name and location of the file you are about to save.
Figure 7 'Save As' Dialog Box
Type in the desired new file name in place of the highlighted file name, and then click on
. This will save the file to the selected folder.
3.1.5 Import… Command
Shortcut keys:
This command allows the user to import configuration files into the configuration being
edited. This is useful for merging part of another configuration file (extracted into a new file
using a text editor) into one or more other configuration files. Note that only files saved in the
VisiPC format may be imported.