6 Starting operation
6.4 Configuration of the LioN-P
PROFINET I/O modules in STEP 7
6.4.5 Parameterization of the status/control module
Figure 18: Status/Control module
The status/control module in slot 1/sub-slot 1 is pre-configured for each LioNP
IO-LinkMaster. It consists of 4 bytes of input and 4 bytes of output data for
the digital IO/ data, and status and control bits of the IO-Link Master. The bit
assignments are described in Section
on page 67.
The Status/Control module can also be used to perform all parameterizations
that do not affect ports in IO-Link COM mode.
The following parameterizations are possible after double clicking
Module in the
General Device Settings
Figure 19: General device settings
Manual LioN-P PROFINET IO-Link Master
Version 2.1 10/2017