6 Starting operation
6.4 Configuration of the LioN-P
PROFINET I/O modules in STEP 7
Enables the IO-Link parameter data download and
upload function.
An upload is performed when an IO-Link device is
connected and the master does not have any valid data.
This is the case if "Disabled and Cleared" mode was
configured previously and/or in case of "Disabled" in
as-delivered condition. The parameter data read are
permanently stored on the master.
If parameter data are changed on the device during
runtime, the device data stored on the master can
be overwritten using the ParamDownloadStore (Index
0x0002, Subindex 0x00, Value 0x05) command. This
command sets the DS_UPLOAD_REQ flag on the
device, and thus executes an upload.
For each new connection to an IO-Link device, the
master compares the stored parameter data with the
device data. If the function is not locked on the device
("Parameter storage" locked), the master downloads
the stored data to the device in case of differences.
The IO-Link device can be replaced in this mode.
IO-Link Master State
IO-Link Device State
Invalid Data (Cleared before)
Upload Flag active (Valid Data)
Invalid Data (Cleared before)
Upload Flag not active & Valid Data
Valid Data
Upload Flag active & Valid Data
Valid Data
Upload Flag not active (Data Equal)
Disabled and Cleared
The data retention function is disabled; and stored data
are deleted.
An IO-Link device sets the “Upload Flag” self-dependent,
if parameter were written in block mode to the IO-Link device.
Manual LioN-P PROFINET IO-Link Master
Version 2.1 10/2017