5.3.1 PROFINET ports, M12 socket, 4-pin, D-coded
5.3.2 Power supply with M12 power L-coded
5.3.3 PROFINET and power supply with M12 Hybrid
5.3.4 I/O ports as M8 or M12 sockets
6.4 Configuration of the LioN-P PROFINET I/O modules in STEP 7
6.4.1 Assigning a unique device name
6.4.2 Assigning a device name to a LioN-P module
6.4.3 Configuring the IO Link channels
6.4.4 Parameterization of the IO Link channels
6.4.5 Parameterization of the status/control module
6.4.6 Surveillance Timeout Configuration (LioN-P 60 devices)
6.4.8 Digital-IO mode for Ch. B/Pin 2
6.5 IO-Link Device Parameterization
6.7 Media Redundancy Protocol (MRP)
6.8 Identification & maintenance functions (I&M)
6.8.2 Reading and writing I&M data
6.9 Fast Start-Up (FSU) / Prioritized Start-Up
Manual LioN-P PROFINET IO-Link Master
Version 2.1 10/2017