6 Starting operation
6.4 Configuration of the LioN-P
PROFINET I/O modules in STEP 7
modules with data lengths of 1-32 input and/or output
bytes are available. If no suitable configuration module
is available for the device, the next larger data length
must be selected.
6.4.4 Parameterization of the IO Link channels
Double-clicking on the corresponding IO-Link sub-slot in the hardware
configuration and selecting the "Parameter" tab, lets you set the following
Figure 14: Parameter of the IO Link channels
IOL Parameter storage
The Parameter Server of the IO-Link Master can be parameterized in the
Parameter storage
tab. The
Parameter storage
function manages the IO-
Link device parameters to enable a simple device or Master replacement.
The following options can be set:
Disabled mode is the default setting in as-delivered
condition. The data maintenance function is disabled.
Manual LioN-P PROFINET IO-Link Master
Version 2.1 10/2017