Hydrodynamic Modulation
This specifies additional parameters for the Hydrodynamic Modulation (HDM)
technique (Figure 4-7).
Figure 4-7. Hydrodynamic Modulation dialog box.
Data Processing
This specifies the method for handling the A.C.
current output (Lock-in or Rectify).
Rotate during Quiet Time A finite length of time is required for the Rotating
Disk Electrode to reach the selected rotation rate.
Therefore, rotation is started during the Quiet time
to ensure that the desired rotation rate has been
attained when the potential scan is started.
This option switches on the modulation of the
rotation rate.
Controlled Growth
This specifies drop growth parameters for the CGME mode of the BAS Controlled
Growth Mercury Electrode for both pulse and stripping experiments (Figure 4-8).
The CGME mode must be selected for the Cell Stand options in the Setup dialog
box for this item to be activated.
In the CGME mode, the mercury drop is grown using a series of valve openings
(pulses). There are three parameters that defined this series: Pulse Width (the
duration of each pulse), Number of Pulses and Delay Time (the time between the
pulses). These parameters are entered under Knock and Dispense Control.