Reference Electrodes
A poor reference electrode can cause considerable problems, so these should be carefully
maintained. BAS Ag/AgCl electrodes are shipped with the Vycor frit covered by yellow
plastic. This should be removed upon receipt, and the electrode should be stored with the
Vycor frit immersed in a solution of 3M NaCl, where it should remain when not in use.
Other reference electrodes should also be stored in the appropriate solution (e.g.,
saturated KCl for the saturated calomel electrode).
Failure to store reference electrodes properly can lead not only to a drift in the electrode
potential but it can also causes precipitation of salts in the frit. This can in turn result in
very noisy data. Similar effects can also be caused by presence of air bubbles next to the
Vycor frit. These can be removed by gently flicking the end of the electrode.