Figure 10-26. A.C. current response for DTACV/P.
General Parameters for TACV/P, DTACV/P
Initial E (mV) = 0
-3276 to 3276
Final E (mV) = 0
-3276 to 3276
Sensitivity = 1
100 mA/V to 100 nA/V (10 pA/V with the
Low Current Module)
Specific Parameters for TACV/P, DTACV/P
Scan Rate (mV/sec) = 4
1 to 200
A.C. Amplitude (mV) = 25
1 to 50
A.C. Frequency (mV) = 50
5 to 250
Drop Time (msec) = 500
500 to 8000
Quiet Time (sec) = 2 (0)
0 to 65535
a) Drop Time is used for TACP and DTACP. The range of values allowed for
the Drop Time depends on the A.C. Frequency. The analogous parameter for
TACV and DTACV is the Step Period, which is controlled by the A.C.
Frequency (default value is 1500 msec).
b) Parameter values in parentheses refer to TACP and DTACP.
c) The sample interval is equal to the product of the Scan Rate and theDrop
Time (or Step Period) (e.g., the default value is 6 mV).
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