Specific Parameters
Scan Rate (mV/sec) = 20 (4)
1 to 200
Pulse Amplitude (mV) = 50
-250 to 250
Sample Width (msec) = 17
1 to 250
Pulse Width (msec) = 50
3 to 2000
Pulse Period (msec) = 200
40 to 8000
Quiet Time (sec) = 10
0 to 65535
a) Sample Width is the time at the end of the pulse during which the current is
measured. The default value is the time required for 1 cycle. Increasing the
Sample Width can decrease the noise level.
b) Pulse Width is the duration of the pulse, and must be at least 2 msec longer
than the Sample Width.
c) Pulse Period is the time required for 1 potential cycle, and must be at least
twice the Pulse Width.
d) The product of the Pulse Period and Scan Rate must be less than the Pulse
Amplitude, and greater than 1 mV.
e) When the Pulse Amplitude is negative, the direction of the Pulse is opposite
to that of the scan.
f) The sample interval is equal to the product of the Scan Rate and the Pulse
Period (e.g., the default value is 4 mV).
Mode = LSSV
General Parameters
Initial E (mV) = 0
-3276 to 3276
Final E (mV) = 0
-3276 to 3276
Scan rate = 100 mV/s
1 to 51200 (
1 to 51200 (mV/s)
1 to 300 (V/s)
Rotation Rate (rpm) = 400
0 to 10000
Sensitivity = 1
100 mA/V to 100 nA/V (10 pA/V with the
Low Current Module)
Deposit Time (sec) = 15
1 to 65535