Before plugging the Analyzer power cord into a power socket, confirm that the
correct voltage has been selected in the power cord connector. This is done as
a. Remove the power cord from the power cord connector (the location of this
connector is shown in Figure 2-1).
b. Slide the plastic window to the left to expose the voltage select printed circuit
card (this card is shown in Figure 2-2). The orientation of this card in the
connector determines the voltage option.
c. If the number printed on the outer edge of the board does not correspond to
the available voltage, pull out the card (the fuse must be removed first), and
turn it (either by rotation or inversion) such that the desired voltage is exposed
on the outside edge of the top board. Reinsert the board and replace the fuse.
If the Analyzer is operated from a power outlet without a safety ground
connection, an appropriate adapter must be used. The ground connection of this
adapter must be securely fastened to an external earth ground for safety and
proper operation. A proper ground connection cannot be overemphasized.
The power cord is shipped as a separate item and must be plugged into the
connector on the rear panel (Figure 2-1). To insert the power cord into the power
socket, push up the plastic window and plug in the female end of the power cord.
The plug type on the male end of the power cord may vary depending on the
country of destination.
The A.C. frequency is checked for 50 or 60 Hz operation during the Self-Test
sequence of the Analyzer that occurs on power up (see Section 5.12 for more
details on this Self-Test).
220/240V and 50 Hz Operation
220/240V and 50 Hz are the standard power conditions available in many
countries. The Analyzer can operate using such power sources and some of the
peripheral devices and accessories can accommodate this power. Check each
peripheral device for it's power requirements. A device requiring 110V can be
ruined when plugged into a 220V power source.
To check or change the power requirements of the Analyzer:
a. Remove the power cord from the power cord connector (the location of this
connector is shown in Figure 2-1).