A V G 9 .0 A nti- V irus Bus ines s E dition © 2 0 1 0 C opyright A V G T ec hnologies C Z, s .r.o. A ll rights res erved.
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communicate with the AVG Admin Server that accepts the default settings,
requests specific settings, sends the scan results etc.
AVG Technologies Server
provides AVG Admin Server/Servers with update files.
1.2. Key features and functions
AVG 9.0 Anti-Virus Business Edition
offers the following functions:
Remote installation
Using this function you can easily install AVG on all stations in the local network.
This remote installation is secured by the
AVG Network Installer Wizard
– a
program for direct remote installation and/or creation of an installation script
that makes it possible to run the Setup installation program on all remote
network stations.
Centrally controlled updates
All AVG stations in the network can be updated centrally using the AVG Admin
Server roles
AVG 9.0 Anti-Virus Business Edition
can now act in multiple roles, where each
role can be deployed separately (DataCenter role used for remote stations
management, UpdateProxy role for managing updates), which allows the user to
divide the load among multiple physical servers.
Secured communication
Network communication between AVG Admin (AVG Admin Server) and stations is
completely encrypted.
Full remote administration in the network
The full functionality of the
AVG 9.0 Anti-Virus Business Edition
Automated remote AVG installation on all network stations thanks to new
AVG Network installer Wizard
Continuous overview of all network AVG stations’ current status
Central control and administration of AVG stations’ configuration