A V G 9 .0 A nti- V irus Bus ines s E dition © 2 0 1 0 C opyright A V G T ec hnologies C Z, s .r.o. A ll rights res erved.
1 9 6
If you suspect or know that a file or files were incorrectly marked by AVG
as infected or dangerous on one of your stations, you can use this function
to send such file(s) for virus analysis to AVG VirusLab.
If you wish to receive results of the analysis, please provide a working e-
mail address in the available field.
To confirm and send the sample(s) click the
You can also save the chosen sample to a folder in an encrypted form with
button for later processing (e.g. manual sending via e-mail etc.).
This function is available only for AVG 9.0 stations.
Show Firewall log
- will show the Firewall communication log from the selected
Show events of the selected station
- will show events related to the chosen
Gather diagnostic data
- asks the selected station for diagnostic data which
you can either send directly to the AVG Technical support or save locally for
further processing: