A V G 9 .0 A nti- V irus Bus ines s E dition © 2 0 1 0 C opyright A V G T ec hnologies C Z, s .r.o. A ll rights res erved.
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Station identification
section contains a drop down menu, where you can
select how you wish to display stations within the current view section.
Scan results options
section lets you to choose which scan results you
prefer to store and according to which severity. Check the
including rootkits
checkbox in order to include also storing of scan results with rootkits.
Keep scan results for maximum period of
- simply enter number of days you
wish keeping the scan results from stations. The default value is 30 days.
In the next section choose, how you wish to secure your AVG DataCenter
Free access
- default settings, that will allow anyone to access the AVG
DataCenter (no password is needed).
Simple password protection
- will open a new dialog, where you can choose a
custom password (the same password must be entered into both fields for
verification). The password will then be required during every connection to the
AVG DataCenter.
Full access control
- please see the
How to manage access rights
chapter for
more information.
Database export...
- This dialog allows you to create a backup file (i.e. export
the DataCenter contents to a file) and save it to a local folder on a computer,
from which the AVG Admin Console is running.