A V G 9 .0 A nti- V irus Bus ines s E dition © 2 0 1 0 C opyright A V G T ec hnologies C Z, s .r.o. A ll rights res erved.
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3. AVG Admin Deployment Wizard
AVG Admin Server Deployment
is launched immediately after the
installation of AVG 9.0 Anti-Virus Business Edition. It can also be launched any time
later from the program folder, i.e.
All programs/AVG 9.0 Remote Administration/
AVG Admin Server Deployment Wizard
The Wizard guides you through the configuration process for the AVG DataCenter
database on a selected database engine. Using the wizard, you can also configure the
AVG Admin Server in order to mirror the AVG updates in a local network. The wizard
leads you through the configuration process in a few steps listed in the following
Navigation in the wizard is as usual:
button takes you one step back in the wizard.
button takes you one step forward and also performs all actions
selected in the current stage.
Use the
button to open a comprehensive information help related to the
current step.
By pressing the
button, you can quit the wizard at any stage, discarding
the changes performed so far.