A V G 9 .0 A nti- V irus Bus ines s E dition © 2 0 1 0 C opyright A V G T ec hnologies C Z, s .r.o. A ll rights res erved.
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6.5. Servers
item contains an overview of all deployed servers and stations with an
AVG application server component installed.
6.5.1. AVG Admin servers
This item displays a list of AVG Admin servers installed. Double clicking on any server
will open a configuration dialog for the given server and allow you to change
configuration of the server.
More information on other options and settings can be found in the Configuration/
Admin Server Settings
6.5.2. Application Servers
This item displays a list of stations with an AVG application server installed.
In the current view section you can then find information related to specific stations.
Using the tabs, the information is divided into several categories:
Servers tab
Contains general information about each station (name, domain, group, last
contact etc).
Details tab
Displays additional information regarding the stations including IP address, MAC
address, operating system, restart request etc.
Versions tab
Displays information about versions of AVG, virus base and anti-spyware base on
each station.
Component states tab
Contains an overview of component states on each station.
More information on other general options and settings can be found in the
AVG Admin Console
If you right-click on the
Application Servers
item in the left tree, you can choose
from the following options to be applied on application servers: