A V G 9 .0 A nti- V irus Bus ines s E dition © 2 0 1 0 C opyright A V G T ec hnologies C Z, s .r.o. A ll rights res erved.
2 3 8
15.2. Start-up Parameters
The AVG Admin Server 9.0 for Linux is designed for operation of the AVG DataCenter
using the HTTP communication protocol for connection between AVG stations and the
DataCenter. The DataCenter computer (server) should be available for individual
stations via the HTTP protocol in order to work properly.
The AVG Admin Server 9.0 for Linux is running as a daemon and by default it is
listening on port 4158 for incoming connections. To start/stop the server, please use
initial script. The main configuration for the server is stored in
. If this file is missing, the server will use
default values or values entered via command line.
The syntax for AVG Admin Server 9.0 for Linux (avgadmsrv) is as follows:
avgadmsrv [-c
avgadmsrv -v | -h | -l
The startup parameters are:
-c, --config file
Use other then default configuration file. Default configuration file is
stored by default in the following directory:
-p, --port number
Port number where AVG Admin Server 9.0 for Linux listens for connection. The
default value is 4158.
-d, --dbase file
Specification of the path to the DataCenter database. The default value is:
-r, --register license
Register the product with a license number.
-l, --license
Display information about license.
-v, --version