A V G 9 .0 A nti- V irus Bus ines s E dition © 2 0 1 0 C opyright A V G T ec hnologies C Z, s .r.o. A ll rights res erved.
7 6
this level, the log files will be very large.
Logging off
- no logs will be saved (default).
If you choose a logging level option other than Logging off, the
Log file name
field will
become active:
The Log file name
– fill in the name of the log file. The AVG Agent service will store
the log files under the selected name on remote stations, where the service should be
installed. If you do not enter the absolute path (e.g. C:\avgagent.log), the directory
containing the avgagent.exe file (typically the C:\Windows or C:\WinNT directory) will
be used for storing the log file.
Log files are not deleted or decreased automatically, if the path for storing
them has been changed! If you use the logging function, you should delete the logs
manually once you have analyzed them.
Delete AVG Agent after AVG is installed
- this option will automatically remove
the AVG Agent from the station, once AVG is successfully installed.
Delete service AVG Agent also on stations where the AVG Agent service
have to be installed manually
- this option will automatically remove the AVG
Agent (once AVG is successfully installed) also from stations where the AVG
Agent cannot be installed automatically (not recommended).
The right part of the section offers the following options:
– number of ping operations to be used while detecting availability of a
remote station. If the wizard does not receive a response to all of the ping
queries, it will consider the station to be unavailable and will not offer it for
further operations.
– TCP/IP communication port, where the AVG Agent service listens for the
wizard connection. The default value is 6150 and usually there is no need to
change this.
– the AVG Agent and wizard communication timeout value in
milliseconds. When there is no response within the specified value in the AVG
Agent and wizard communication process, the connection is terminated with an
error. If you have a very busy network or the stations with AVG installed are
very slow, you can increase this timeout value to prevent connection timeout