A V G 9 .0 A nti- V irus Bus ines s E dition © 2 0 1 0 C opyright A V G T ec hnologies C Z, s .r.o. A ll rights res erved.
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The station is offline and will receive the request immediately after it gets
In case of special request that requires more time, the status window will display
a message saying, that the station has started processing the request and as
soon as it finishes also the result.
Requests sent to groups/all stations
Some requests can be sent to a group or all stations (by right-clicking on a
group name or on stations item and choosing and action from the context menu).
Such request is stored in the AVG DataCenter and then distributed by AVG Admin
Server to individual stations of the chosen group. Also the result is later
displayed individually for each station.
Duplicated requests
If a same request is sent multiple times to a station, it is not stored in AVG
DataCenter and the station will only process the first one.
This applies also to offline stations. In other words there is no need to send more
than one request, since the duplicated requests are disregarded.
Requests expiration
Requests, which are not processed in 30 days are deleted from the AVG
11.9. How to manage access rights
If you require more people to access AVG Admin Console and administer stations/
settings on a different level, you can create various user accounts with miscellaneous
access rights.
To manage access to the AVG DataCenter via AVG Admin Console, navigate to the
DataCenter upper menu and select
AVG DataCenter settings