TD- Documentation
Page 66 of 68 219-100-0-0-1.0.doc
Mounting Instruction
Chain drive KSA xxx-24 V / 230V
Mounting and fastening material
Needed or supplied fastening material must be appro-
priate for structure and respective load and supple-
mented as necessary.
Pinching and shearing points
Power-driven windows, doors and gates: Danger
areas of pinching and shearing points, e.g. between
window casement and frame or between light dome
and curb, must be appropriately secured to prevent
injury through pinching.
Also see guideline for power-driven windows, doors
and gates (BGR 232) und ZVEI brochure „SHEV-
current Nr.3, power-driven windows“
Accident prevention regulations and
occupation cooperative guidelines
During work on, in or on top of a building or part
thereof, specifications and instructions of the respec-
tive accident prevention regulations (UVV) and occu-
pation cooperative guidelines (BGR) must be adhered
Ambient conditions
Ensure that this product doesn't get hit or fall down.
Furthermore, it may not be exposed to vibrations,
humidity, aggressive vapors or damaging surround-
ings, unless specifically allowed for such condition by
the manufacturer.
Avoidance of dangerous situations
Precautions must be taken prevent
the possibility of being trapped
between the moving window and
a firm object (e.g. wall) due to
Falling down of window
Window casements must be hung and guided in such a manner
that in case of failure of a hanging support element it can be struc-
turally avoided that the casement will fall down during uncontrolled
movement. Possible options are double hanging support, safety
scissors and catching devices.
Bottom hung windows opening inward or outward require safety
scissors / catching devices. These prevent damage in case of drive
The safety / catching scissors must take into account the given
opening width and the mechanism of the window. They may not
limit the stroke length of the drive.
Also see guideline for
power-driven windows,
doors and gates (BGR 232) und
ZVEI brochure „SHEV- current Nr.3,
power-driven windows“
Cable routing and
electrical connection
Prior to working on the system do an all-pole switching
to the main and emergency power supply
(e.g. back-up batteries) and secure against a repeated
unintended switching-on. Never operate drives, control units, acti-
vation elements and sensors with operating voltages and connec-
tions contrary to specifications in the operating manual. There is
danger to life and limb and it may lead to destruction of compo-
Cable routing and electrical connection may be carried out only by
a certified electrician. 230 / 400V AC power lines must be secured
separately on site. During installation, adhere to relevant laws,
regulations, guidelines and norms, e.g. master guidelines for sys-
tem cable routing (MLAR/ LAR/ RbALei), VDE0100 for the setting
up of high voltage systems up to 1000 V, VDE0815 for installation
cables and lines and VDE0833 for alarm systems for fire, burglary
and hold-up. With regard to cable types, coordinate as necessary
with local approving authorities, power companies and fire protec-
tion agencies.
Safety extra low voltage lines (SELV e.g. 24V DC) must be routed
separately from low voltage lines (e.g. 230V AC). Flexible lines may
not be laid under plaster. Freely hanging lines must include tension
relief. Lines must be laid in such a way that they cannot be sheared
off, twisted or kinked. Power supplies, control units and junction
boxes must be accessible for maintenance work. Line types,
lengths and cross-sections must be in accordance with technical
Check terminal and screwed connection for firm seating. Check
ends of cable.
Safety scissors
Danger of crushing
Danger areas: crushing and shearing points
Side hung /
vertically pivoting window
bottom hung /
horizontally pivoting hung wind
Roof window / light dome
Louvre window
Mechanical and electrical safety