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Observe the general repair instructions
Observe rules for cleanliness when working on the gearbox
– Remove mechatronic unit for direct shift gearbox -J743-
– Remove bolt -B-.
– Pull gearbox input speed sender -G182- and clutch tempera‐
ture sender -G509- -item A- out of gearbox together with
• Tightening torques
Installation is carried out in reverse sequence; note the following:
– Lightly lubricate -G182- and -G509- with gear oil.
– Insert -G182- and -G509- in opening on side of gearbox and
– Install mechatronic unit for direct shift gearbox -J743-
– Install oil pan
– Connect vehicle diagnostic, testing and information system -
VAS 5051B- .
– Perform basic setting.
Removing and installing gear oil pump
Proceed as follows:
Risk of damage to the gearbox.
♦ Do not run the engine or tow the vehicle with the oil pan
removed or when there is no gear oil in the gearbox.
Observe rules for cleanliness when working on the gearbox
Observe the general repair instructions
and leave used oil collection and
extraction unit -V.A.G 1782- in position below gearbox.
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
Rep. Gr.35 - Gears, shafts