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– Pry out old circlip -2- using a screwdriver -1- -arrow-.
The clutch plates can slip out of position inside the multiple
clutch unit.
♦ If the inner plate carrier is taken out or lifted, the plates can
slip out of position inside the clutch. It will then no longer
be possible to adjust the clutch correctly.
– Lift out drive plate -arrows-; if necessary lever it carefully out
of splines on outer plate carrier using a screwdriver.
– Place drive plate to one side.
Adjusting multiple clutch (determining thickness of circlip)
– Select the 2 mm thick circlip from the circlips supplied with the
The 2 mm circlip is fitted provisionally for measurement purposes
and will be replaced later with the final circlip of the required thick‐
– Fit circlip of 2 mm thickness -arrow-.
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
Rep. Gr.30 - Clutch