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– Place used oil collection and extraction unit -V.A.G 1782- un‐
der gearbox.
– Unscrew housing for gear oil filter.
To allow the gear oil to drain back into the gearbox from the hous‐
ing for the gear oil filter, tilt the housing slightly in its seat before
removing it.
– Then lift out filter element slowly.
If the O-ring on the intake neck -arrow- of the filter element does
not come off together with the filter element, you must remove it
from the gearbox separately.
• Tightening torque
Installation is carried out in reverse sequence; note the following:
Renew filter element and O-ring on oil filter housing.
– Lightly lubricate O-ring on intake neck -arrow- of filter element
with gear oil.
– Install filter element with intake neck facing downwards.
– Lightly lubricate O-ring on housing of gear oil filter with gear
– Tighten filter housing.
– Check gear oil level and top up as required
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
10. Gear oil cooler and gear oil filter - exploded view