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– Fit new circlip for drive plate.
• Installation position: the lug on the drive plate and the colour-
marked splines on the outer plate carrier (or the corresponding
marks made previously) must be located between the ends of
the circlip.
– Using a screwdriver, check that circlip is fully engaged.
– Take out retaining pin -T10303- between multiple clutch and
Leakage can occur at the contact surface of the clutch end
♦ Thoroughly degrease running surface -arrow- on drive
plate for internal seal of clutch end cover.
– Clean the contact surface for the outer seal of the clutch end
Leakage can occur at the internal seal for the clutch end cover.
♦ To ensure that the internal seal remains absolutely free of
grease, do not touch the seal with your hands.
– Take the clutch end cover out of its packaging, only taking hold
of it on the outside as illustrated.
– Clean end of gearbox shaft.
Using gear oil, lightly lubricate the outer seal for the clutch end
cover only.
If there are any stickers on the inside or the outside of the
clutch end cover, remove them thoroughly.
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
1. Servicing multiple clutch - exploded view