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Brake light switch -F-
Fitting location: the brake light switch -arrow- is located on pedal
♦ Is checked via self-diagnosis
Removing and installing brake light switch ⇒ Rep. Gr. 46
To ensure a secure fit, the switch may only be fitted once.
Kickdown switch -F8-
An adapted value from accelerator position sender -G79- and ac‐
celerator position sender 2 -G185- (integrated in accelerator ped‐
al module) is stored in the engine control unit as the kickdown
♦ Is checked via self-diagnosis
♦ Signal is transmitted from engine control unit to gearbox con‐
trol unit via CAN bus.
Removing and installing accelerator pedal module ⇒ Rep. Gr.
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006