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Gear oil pump; tightening sequence
There are different types of bolts -A or B-; observe correct tight‐
ening method.
– Tighten bolts -arrows- in diagonal sequence (different bolts
according to version):
Countersunk-head bolts -A-:
– Tighten countersunk-head bolts to 8 Nm.
Pan-head bolts -B-:
– Tighten pan-head bolts in 2 stages as follows:
Tighten bolts to 8 Nm.
Turn bolts 90° further.
Cover for gear oil pump -A-; tightening sequence
– Tighten bolts -arrows- diagonally in stages.
• 8 Nm
Gearbox input speed sender -G182- and clutch temperature
sender -G509-
A - Gearbox input speed sender -G182- and clutch tempera‐
ture sender -G509-
B - Bolt
• 10 Nm
C - Electrical connector
Removing and installing oil pan
Special tools and workshop equipment required
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
Rep. Gr.35 - Gears, shafts