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– Remove noise insulation (left-side) -arrows-.
In order to pull the mechatronic unit out of the gearbox without
damage, you must first remove the cover for the gear oil pump.
– Unscrew bolts -arrows- and detach cover for gear oil pump
The mechatronic unit can be damaged by electrostatic dis‐
♦ Do not touch the contact pins in the connector with bare
– Touch vehicle earth with your hand (without gloves) to dis‐
charge any static electricity.
The electrical wiring can be damaged.
♦ Do not pull on the electrical wiring.
– Using a small screwdriver -arrow-, carefully release electrical
connector for gearbox input speed sender -G182- and clutch
temperature sender -G509- and unplug connector.
-G182- and -G509- will have to be renewed if the electrical wiring
is damaged.
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
Rep. Gr.35 - Gears, shafts