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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
– Set up support bracket -10 - 222 A- on body flanges using the
following equipment:
♦ Rack -10 - 222 A /1- (2x)
♦ Adapter -10 - 222 A /4-
♦ Connecting piece -T40091/3- (2x)
– Attach adapters -T40093/3-2- (left-side) and -T40093/3-3-
(right-side) to supports -T40093/3- .
– Disconnect earth wire from longitudinal member (left-side).
– Remove securing bolt for front section of longitudinal member
(both sides).
– Bolt adapters -arrow- to longitudinal members, using bolts re‐
moved previously.
Illustration shows left side of vehicle.
– Insert square bars -T40091/1- with connecting pieces -
T40093/4- into connecting pieces -T40091/3- and supports -
T40093/3- as illustrated.
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
4. Removing gearbox