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The brake kit is designed to perform 2 basic functions on disk brake cars and trucks.
Function #1 - Adjust the piston position by screwing it into or out of the cylinder bore. This is most commonly necessary

on the rear brakes of vehicles with self-adjusting parking brakes. Some manufacturers also use screw-out
pistons on the front brake calipers. See factory servicing information to determine your type.

Function #2 - Press the piston straight back in the cylinder bore. This is commonly necessary when new brake pads are

being installed.

Adjusting piston position. There are two ways to adjust piston:
Method #1 • Select a drive disk that securely engages the notches in the piston of the brake caliper. See figure (a).

• Assemble the drive disk to the base disk on the brake tool “T” handle. See figure (b) and (c). • Align pegs
on the drive disk with the notches in the piston. • Turn the “T” handle clockwise to screw the piston into the
bore or counter clockwise to screw the piston out of the bore. See figure (d). • In most cases, the notches
must line up with the caliper centerline to allow brake pads to seat in notches. • Ensure the piston boot is
not twisted after turning the piston.

Method #2 • Assemble the brake tool base disk to a 3/8” ratchet with a short extension. See figure (e). • Select a drive

disk that securely engages the notches in the piston of the brake caliper. • Assemble the drive disk to the
base disk in a manner similar to that in method #1. See figures (b) and (c) as examples. • Align pegs on the
drive disk with the notches in the piston. • Turn the ratchet clockwise to screw the piston into the bore or
counter clockwise to screw the piston out of the bore. See figure (f). • In most cases, the notches must line
up with the caliper centerline to allow brake pads to seat in notches. • Ensure the piston boot is not twisted
after turning the piston.

Pressing Piston Back into Cylinder Bore:
• Assemble the appropriate drive disk to the base disk on the brake tool “T” handle. For most applications, use the disk

also identified by the presence of 3 different concentric levels and the absence of locating holes). For other
applications, drive disks 2 5/32"and 2 1/2" can be used with the locating pegs turned inward toward the “T’ handle. See
figures (g) and (h).• Guide the pad spreader adapter over the end of the “T” handle and position it snugly against the
flange on the tool. See figures (i) and (j). • Position the drive disk against the surface of the brake piston. See figure (k).
• Turn the “T” handle out until the pad spreader adapter is pressing firmly against the inside of the caliper opposite the
piston. • Hold the “T” handle firmly in one hand and turn the hex on the tool body counterclockwise with a wrench. See
figure (k). • Continue turning until the piston has been pressed back into the bore the desired amount. • Turn the hex on
the tool body clockwise a small amount and withdraw the tool. 














1431 Via Plata
Long Beach, CA 90810-1462 
Made In/Fabriqué En/Hecho En Taiwan
