Series Reference Manual
Page 11
Ver 2.01
TMR2 and TMR3 slave timer control register (TMRx_STCTRL) . 203
TMR2 and TMR3 DMA/interrupt enable register (TMRx_IDEN) .. 204
TMR2 and TMR3 interrupt status register (TMRx_ISTS) ........... 205
TMR2 and TMR3 software event register (TMRx_SW EVT) ........ 206
TMR2 and TMR3 channel mode register1 (TMRx_CM1) ............ 206
TMR2 and TMR3 channel mode register2 (TMRx_CM2) ............ 208
TMR2 and TMR3 channel control register (TMRx_CCTRL) ........ 209
TMR2 and TMR3 counter value (TMRx_CVAL)..................... 209
TMR2 and TMR3 division value (TMRx_DIV) ....................... 210
TMR2 and TMR3 period register (TMRx_P R) ....................... 210
TMR2 and TMR3 channel 1 data register (TMRx_C1DT) ....... 210
TMR2 and TMR3 channel 2 data register (TMRx_C2DT) ....... 210
TMR2 and TMR3 channel 3 data register (TMRx_C3DT) ....... 210
TMR2 and TMR3 channel 4 data register (TMRx_C4DT) ....... 211
TMR2 and TMR3 DMA control register (TMRx_DMACTRL) ... 211
TMR2 and TMR3 DMA data register (TMRx_DMADT) ........... 211
General-purpose timer (TMR9 to TMR14) .................................... 211
TMR13 and TMR14 introduction .................................................. 211
TMR13 and TMR14 main features ............................................... 211
TMR13 and TMR14 functional overview ....................................... 212
Count clock .......................................................................... 212
Counting mode ..................................................................... 212
TMR input function ................................................................ 213
TMR output function .............................................................. 214
Debug mode ......................................................................... 215
TMR13 and TMR14 registers ....................................................... 215
TMR13 and TMR14 control register1 (TMRx_CTRL1) ............... 216
TMR13 and TMR14 DMA/interrupt enable register (TMRx_IDEN) 216
TMR13 and TMR14 interrupt status register (TMRx_ISTS) ........ 217
TMR13 and TMR14 software event register (TMRx_SW EVT) .... 217
TMR13 and TMR14 channel mode register1 (TMRx_CM1) ........ 217
TMR13 and TMR14 channel control register (TMRx_CCTRL) .... 219
TMR13 and TMR14 counter value (TMRx_CVAL) ..................... 219
TMR13 and TMR14 division value (TMRx_DIV) ........................ 219
TMR13 and TMR14 period register (TMRx_P R) ....................... 219
TMR13 and TMR14 channel 1 data register (TMRx_C1DT) ... 220
TMR14 channel input remap register (TMR14_RMP) ............ 220
General-purpose timer (TMR15) .................................................. 220