Series Reference Manual
Page 148
Ver 2.01
USART main features:
Programmable full-duplex or half-duplex communication
Full-duplex, asynchronous communication
Half-duplex, single communication
Programmable communication modes
NRZ standard format (Mark/Space)
LIN (Local Interconnection Network): LIN master with break generation capability and LIN slave
with break detection capability
IrDA SIR: Support 3/16 bit duration in normal mode, and configurable duration in infrared low-
power mode
Asynchronous SmartCard protocol defined in ISO7816-3 standard: Support 0.5 or 1.5 stop bits
in Smartcard mode
RS-232 CTS/RTS (Clear To Send/Request To Send) hardware flow operation
Multi-processor communication with silent mode (waken up by configuraing ID match and bus
idle frame)
Synchronous mode
Programmable baud rate generator
Shared by transmission and reception, up to 9 MBits/s
Programmable frame format
Programmable data word length (7 bits, 8 bits or 9 bits)
Programmable stop bits-support 1 or 2 stop bits
Programmable parity control: transmitter with parity bit transmission capability, and receiver with
received data parity check capability
Programmable DMA multi-processor communication
Programmable separate enable bits for transmitter and receiver
Programmable output CLK phase, polarity and frequency
Detection flags
Receive buffer full
Transmit buffer empty
Transfer complete flag
Four error detection flags
Overrun error
Noise error
Framing error
Parity error
Programmable 10 interrupt sources with flags
CTSF changes
LIN break detection
Transmit data register empty
Transmission complete
Receive data register full
Idle bus detected
Overrun error
Framing error