7 Operation on xDSL accesses
Data transmission
units (DTU)
Retransmission is performed before the CRC mechanism. As
long as the retransmission mechanism requests and and
transmits the erroneous DTUs in corrected form, no CRC errors
(data losses) occur.If the retransmission mechanism cannot
correct faulty transmissions, e.g. due to sustained interference,
CRC errors (data losses) occur.
- Retransmi. Multiple retransmitted DTUs due to a transmission
problem. Is also displayed in the overview page 47 as
- Corrected Successful retransmission of a DTU
- Uncorret. Unsuccessful retransmission of a DTU
In ARGUS, interference immunity (DSLAM setting) is displayed
with respect to REIN INP. This describes the quality of the
protection against pulse interference. REIN (Repetitive
electrical impulse noise) describes periodic interference pulses,
usually caused by 230 V AC voltage from the supply mains. The
value indicates the number of consecutive DMT symbols that
can be completely distorted without causing errors in higher
layers (1 DMT symbol = ~250 µs).
In ARGUS, interference immunity (DSLAM setting) is displayed
with respect to SHINE INP. This describes the quality of the
protection against pulse interference.SHINE (single high
impulse noise event) describes random, unpredictable,
non-periodic interference pulses. The value indicates the
number of consecutive DMT symbols that can be completely
distorted without causing errors in higher layers (1 DMT symbol
= ~250 µs)).
The expected throughput rate (ETR) in kBit/s is the minimum
data rate that can be provided through complete error
correction through retransmission.
Indication of the electrical length for a frequency of 1 MHz in dB.
R: VTU-R side
C: VTU-C side
Vendor far
VTU-C vendor.
Vendor-specific information, contains the software version of
the VTU-C side (DSLAM).
Vendor near
Manufacturer of the ARGUS chipset (VTU-R).
Vendor-specific information, contains the software version of