5 Configuring accesses
5.4 Notices
In the preview, ARGUS shows not only the
selected access, the xDSL mode and the
access mode but also a freely editable
notice (see Fig. 1 page 26).
This note can be up to 28 characters long.
In this example, the note "Using VLAN" is
Press OK to save the entered notice.
You can subsequently edit the access
name as described for the access
assistant, see page 25.
Deletes notice.
Clears mark and returns cursor
keys to the start.
Clears mark and returns cursor
keys to the end.
Entry begins with upper-case
letters and continues in lower-
Entry of upper-case letters.
Entry of numbers.
Entry of lower-case letters.
Entry of special characters, e.g.
@, /, -, ., *, ?, %, =, &, ! etc.
Entry of special characters
such as _, :, +, # etc.