15 VoIP tests
Display of further VoIP results:
RTCP content
Displays the statistics returned by the
remote station.
- Current jitter of remote station Rx (far)
- Average jitter at remote station
- Maximum and minimum jitter of
remote station
- Lost RTP packets at remote station
Rx (far): total, current, average, min.
and max.
- Delay calculated from transmission time
of RTCP packets (network delay):
current, average, min., max.
ARGUS displays the available codecs of
the remote station.
Packet statistics:
Received packets (Rx)
Transmitted packets (Tx)
Error counter:
RTP drop
RTP error
RTP jitter Rx:
Current jitter
Average jitter
Minimum jitter
Maximum jitter
Lost RTP packets (Rx)
Total, current, average, min. and max.
Back to display "Outgoing call"
If the message "no data" appears,
that means that the remote station
does not support RTCP.
Continue to display "Outgoing call"
Back to display "MOS info", ring
Return to status screen without
ending the test.
Continued on
next page