2. If damaged, the camshaft must be replaced.
Installing Top-Side
A. Pistons
B. Cylinders
1. Install the piston on the connecting rod making sure
the circlip on each side is fully seated in the piston.
NOTE: The piston should be installed so the arrow
points toward the exhaust of the respective cylinder.
2. Place the two alignment pins into position. Place the cyl-
inder gasket into position with a drop of silicone sealant
at the front and rear crankcase junction; then place a pis-
ton holder (or suitable substitute) beneath the piston
skirt and square the piston in respect to the crankcase.
3. Lubricate the inside wall of the cylinder; then using a
ring compressor, compress the rings and slide the cyl-
inder over the piston. Route the cam chain up through
the cylinder cam chain housing; then remove the pis-
ton holder and seat the cylinder firmly on the crank-
4. Loosely install the two nuts securing the cylinder to
the crankcase.
NOTE: The two cylinder-to-crankcase nuts will be
tightened in step 10.
The cylinder should slide on easily. Do not force the cyl-
inder or damage to the piston, rings, cylinder, or crank-
shaft assembly may occur.