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Averaging Algorithm - "Time Weighted Average" or "Unweighted Timed Average"
Time Weighted Average (TWA) - Each reading carries a time weight from its
reading time to the next reading (or the end of period for the last reading in the
TWA period).
Each reading is multiplied by its time weight in seconds; all time weighted
readings are summed; TWA = sum / (time from first reading to end of the TWA
period in seconds).
Unweighted Timed Average - Sum the readings and divide by the reading count
during the period.
Averaging Interval (Hours) - Number of hours for each averaging period.
Temperature Unit - °F or °C
Wind Speed Unit - mph or kph
Wind Compass Unit - Compass or Degrees
13.4 Settings - Email Options
Server Settings:
SMTP Server - SMTP server name or IP address.
SMTP Port - Server port number; default is 25.
Use Authentication - Check if needed.
Use SSL - Check if needed. Try checking for TLS too.
From Name - From name for any sent emails.
From Address - From address for any sent emails.