Instruction manual 91/121 V6.3
1. Minimum kv (if possible at “0”).
2. Position and tracking error threshold as much as possible.
3. Visualisation of the tracking error of the axes.
Operations to be carried out:
1. Enable the drive, set a feed speed at 10 % of the maximum speed on the CNC.
2. If the axis movement is contrary
to that envisaged, the axis must be stopped and the drive disabled (see”Commands shut-
down sequence“ on page 20). Then reverse the direction of the movement of the axis in one of the following two ways:
On the CNC reversing the speed reference sign.
On the drive reversing the AI1 sign with the menu “Quick Setup → Drive Parameters → An.Inp.1 Sign”.
Repeat the procedure from point 1.
3. Change the parameter “Quick Setup → Motor Parameters → Maximum Speed” until the tracking error is best reset.
4. On the CNC set a higher feed speed, up to the expected maximum, and possibly act on the parameter “Quick Setup → Motor
Parameters → Maximum Speed” to reset the tracking error.
5. Increase the parameter “Quick Setup → Drive Parameters → Speed Loop Prop.” to the point where no acoustic or mechan-
ical vibrations of the motor are heard.
6. Set a growing Kv value on the CNC to the maximum allowed and reset the tracking error at maximum speed with the para -
meter “Quick Setup → Motor Parameters → Maximum Speed”.
7. Move the axis to position and act on the “Quick Setup → Drive Parameters → An.Inp.1 Offset” parameter to reset the posi -
tion error displayed on the CNC display.
8. By following the points of paragraph ”Commands shutdown sequence“ on page 20, disable the drive and store the changed
parameters on the Flash memory with the appropriate menu.
Manual speed signal
Do the following:
1. Provide the drive with a speed reference on the AI1 input equal to 10 % of that corresponding to the maximum speed.
2. Following the points of paragraph ”Commands starting sequence“ on page 20, enable the drive and measure the speed of the
motor with a speedometer.
3. Check on the menu “Diagnostic → Speed Feedback RPM” that the indicated speed is about equal to the one measured; if it is
not the same probably the transducer data that have been entered are incorrect.
4. If the movement of the motor is contrary to the expected one, stop the axis (see ”Commands shutdown sequence“ on page
20) and invert the parameter of the menu "Quick Setup → Drive Parameters → An.Inp.1 Sign”.
Repeat the procedure from point 1.
5. If the motor speed is not as expected, you must change the “Quick Setup → Motor Parameters → Maximum Speed" until
you reach her.
6. Set a higher speed, up to the expected maximum and check the speed each time. If the maximum speed cannot be reached,
check that the “Quick Setup → Motor Parameters → Maximum Speed” menu parameter is set correctly.
7. Set a speed approximately equal to the rated speed of the motor. Increase the parameter “Quick Setup → Drive Parameters
→ Speed Loop Prop” little at a time to the point where you don't hear any acoustic or mechanical vibrations of the motor;
then reduce the value a little until the vibrations are damped.
8. Set the zero speed reference and act on the menu parameter "Quick Setup → Drive Parameters → An. INP.1 Offset" to stop
motor rotation.
9. By following the points of paragraph ”Commands shutdown sequence“ on page 20, disable the drive.
Without a space control it is not possible for the motor to remain still for a long time if the drive is enabled.
5.5 Optional transducers
The PWM3D drive provides the standard input of a TTL encoder on the X4 connector. Optionally, you can order a type of board to in -
sert inside the drive that adds a new external connector (X14) to which you can connect a different type of transducer. Depending on
the type of board installed, different menus and selectable parameters may appear.
The available cards combined with the transducers are as follows:
Resolver transducer (2 poles or multipolar): board 01/324.
Sinusoidal encoder transducer: board 01/325.
EnDat encoder transducer: board 01/327.
Brushless tachometer dynamo tran hall sectors: board 01/333.
10V tachometer dynamo tran hall sectors: board 01/333.
Alter Elettronica s.r.l.