Instruction manual 91/121 V6.3
: The analog input is not used.
ASW1 Input A
: Analog input is sent to ASW1 input A (see section 5.6.11 on page 68).
ASW1 Input B
: The analog input is sent to ASW1 input B (see section 5.6.11 on page 68).
ASW2 Input A:
Analog input is sent to ASW2 input A (see section on 5.6.11 page 68).
ASW2 Input B:
The analog input is sent to ASW2 input B (see section on 5.6.11 page 68).
ASW3 Input A:
Analog input is sent to ASW3 input A (see section on 5.6.11 page 68).
ASW3 Input B:
The analog input is sent to ASW3 input B (see section on 5.6.11 page 68).
ASW4 Input A:
Analog input is sent to ASW4 input A (see section on 5.6.11 page 68).
ASW4 Input B:
The analog input is sent to ASW4 input B (see section on 5.6.11 page 68).
Inp.1 SummBlock
: The analog input is sent to input 1 of the summing block (see section 5.6.10 on page 67).
Inp.2 SummBlock
: The analog input is sent to input 2 of the summing block (see section 5.6.10 on page 67).
Inp.3 SummBlock
: The analog input is sent to input 3 of the summing block (see section 5.6.10 on page 67).
Inp.4 SummBlock
: The analog input is sent to input 4 of the summing block (see section 5.6.10 on page 67).
: If two or more different analog inputs are accidentally assigned to the same function, the one that has priority over the
others is the one with the highest number (e.g.: Input AI3 has priority over input AI1).
An.Inp. X Gain
Minimum Maximum Units of measure
Set the multiplication factor of the signal coming from the analog input to be calibrated. With this parameter you can amplify or re-
duce the input signal to suit your needs. See drawing 15 to figure out where this parameter works in the calculation.
An.Inp. X Offset
Minimum Maximum Units of measure
Set the value to be added to the measured signal to compensate for any offset errors. See Drawing 15 to figure out where this para-
meter works in the calculation.
An.Inp.1 Sign
This parameter is present only for the analog input AI1. With it you can select whether to reverse the sign of the analog input 1 or to
leave it as originally. The possible selections are:
NORMAL: The “Value” signal indicates exactly the value of the analog input 1.
REVERSE: The “Value” signal indicates the value of the analog input 1 inverted of sign.
See Drawing 15 for more clarity.
An.Inp. X Value
Minimum Maximum Units of measure
Read-only parameter indicating the output signal from the analog input compensation block. See 15 to figure out where this parameter
works in the calculation.
A value of 100 % does not mean that the analog input is 10V; this also depends on the value of the gain and the offset.
Analog outputs
Menu group to configure and calibrate analog outputs. For simplicity it is advisable to see the following figure showing the internal
calibration structure of a generic analogue output.
The voltage value on the analog output TERMINALS can be controlled by several selectable sources. The calibration block of the
analogue output after reading the value of the selected source limits it as full scale to ±100 % and indicated as the parameter “Value”
which in this case corresponds to the source value. Then another selector allows you to choose whether to send the absolute value of
“Value” (i.e. always positive) in the block if ABS = True, or the value identical to “Value” if ABS = False. The selected value is multi-
plied by a set parameter called “Gain” and then added to another setting parameter called “Offset”. The result is then limited as full
scale to ±100 % and sent to the analog output scaled with -100 % = -10Vcc and +100 % = +10Vcc. By means of these parameters it is
possible to read some internal data and transfer them to the output of the drive properly scaled and modified to adapt them to the ex -
ternal circuits.
Alter Elettronica s.r.l.