UXBM Harness and Tab Washer Installation
Revision 1.03
UXBM Harness and Tab Washer Installation
The UXBM can be connected to almost any type of battery system that is comprised of 2v, 4v, 6v, 8v,
12v, or 16v cells/monoblocs. With this flexibility, there are a number of different connection scenarios
and power harness options.
All UXBM Harness’s supplied are manufactured to a default length of five feet. In the event this is not
long enough, these harnesses can be extended. In most cases, only one or two leads will need to be
extended within a UXBM group if needed at all.
The following sections will describe each of these installations in detail. Depending on which type of
battery system is being monitored, it is possible to have some special situations. It is recommended that
you review the section entitled “
Special Considerations when Installing UXBM’s
It is important to note that the maximum operating voltage of the UXBM is 95Vdc. Connecting the
UXBM’s in a way that could expose them to voltage higher than this will result in permanent damage to
the UXBM.
If the battery system utilizes a disconnect switch within the string, never connect any
wire across this switch that belongs to one UXBM. The UXBM’s are rated for an operating voltage of
95VDC max and if connected across an open switch on a battery, the entire battery voltage could be
present across the open switch if the charging circuit is still energized. This will result in permanent
damage to the UXBM.
: Never disconnect an interconnecting strap or cable while the UXBM’s are connected
across the section being disconnected. The UXBM’s are rated for an operating voltage of 95VDC max and
if connected across an open circuit on a battery, the entire battery voltage could be present across the
open connections if the charging circuit is still energized. This will result in permanent damage to the