15. Reinstall canister hatches, using (8) wood
screws that were removed at the beginning of
canister installation.
16. Canister installation is now complete.
14. Silicone stinger extensions will be needed to
allow the exhaust to exit the fuse. Use a small
nylon tie to secure extension to stinger.
Optional Non-Flex Header installation:
1. If non-flex headers are used follow these steps
for the canister installation. Many of the previ-
ous steps will be used for the mounting of the
non-flex header.
2. The non-flex headers will use a different mount,
both of these mounts have been supplied. The
canister mount with the stinger cutouts towards
the bottom of the fuse will be used for non flex
headers, the mounts with the cutouts towards the
top of the fuse will be used with the flex head-