3. Apply blue loctite to each of the 8-32 stab
mounting bolts as shown.
Stab Incidence Adjustment
4. Install the 8-32 bolt, lock washer, and flat
washer at this time. Do not fully tighten mount-
ing bolts until stab incidence has been set.
Option 1: 0
˚ Stab incidence- Normal Flight
1. Ensure that the front mounting bracket is all the
way against the bottom of the cutout. This will
set the stab at the correct incidence for normal
Option 2: +1
˚ Stab incidence- Towing
1. 1 degree of positive incidence can be achieved
by pushing the stab to the very top of the mount-
ing slot. This stab location is recommended for
towing purposes. To help raise the tail due to the
weight of towing.
˚ Position
˚ Position