Switching from PageMaker to InDesign CS2
Using the eyedropper
The InDesign CS2 toolbox includes an eyedropper for copying fill and stroke attributes, such as
color and transparency, from any object in an InDesign CS2 file, including an imported graphic.
By default, the eyedropper loads all available fill and stroke attributes of an object and sets the
default fill and stroke attributes of any new objects you draw. You can also use the eyedropper
to copy the character, paragraph, fill, and stroke attributes of type, and you can then apply those
attributes to other text. By default, the eyedropper copies all attributes of a type selection. To
customize the attributes you want to copy with the eyedropper, use the Eyedropper Options
dialog box (double-click the eyedropper in the toolbox to open it).
The Eyedropper Options dialog box lets you customize the attributes that are picked up when you click an object
with the eyedropper.
You can also use the eyedropper to apply colors from imported graphics to objects and add those
colors to a document. These features are useful for coordinating layout colors with images. For best
results with color separations, you may want to make sure that the color names, types (such as
spot and process), and models (such as RGB and CMYK) of the colors sampled in InDesign CS2
are consistent with the color definitions in the imported graphics.